Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 1 summarizes the advantages of digital sensing over film 
images in photogrammetry. The advantages are grouped into 5 
categories. Of course they are all interdependent. Reduced manual 
labor affects the economy, yet it also represents an advantage in the 
workflow. An increase in accuracy, while of value all by itself, also 
affects the economy. 
A very important factor is the ability to enjoy a no-cost increase of 
image overlaps. This is denoted as "increased redundancy". This 
factor is the least-often discussed when reviewing the transition to 
digital cameras, yet it is considered by us to be the most 
fundamental. Photogrammetry has been relying on two rays to 
intersect a 3-dimensional point, basically without any redundancy. If 
a ray from one image is in error, then the point position cannot be 
measured at all, a deficiency of stereo-photogrammetry since its 
inception. Insufficient redundancy is the major reason that 
automatically created DEMs using stereo matching of scanned film 
images have significant errors and miss data, and occlusions due to a 
lack of redundancy are the major limitation of orthophoto products. 
The transition from minimizing the number of film photos to 
maximizing the robustness of automation by a free definition of the 
number of images can be a major shift in the photogrammetric value 
system, and can be called a , paradigm shift". 
4.1 Multi-Ray Matching 
Increasing the redundancy leads to a change from 2-image stereo 
operations to multi-image, multi-ray matching. Aerial triangulation 
tie points get collected from 10 images rather than 3 or 6 in model 
and strip overlaps, leading to as much tighter fit and more robust 
solution. DEM matching is with 10 images versus 2, and producing 
an over-determined solution where previously there was no over- 
determination. Orthophoto texture derives also from 10 versus only 
2 inputs, and the need to carefully delineate the seam between 
adjacent photo sources in one single orthophoto-mosaic goes away. 
All this is simply from a transition to the 80/60 overlaps versus the 
traditional 60/20. The robustness of matching increases. Dissimi- 
larities between adjacent images get smaller and matching errors are 
less likely. As a result, AT and DEM-creation become fully 
automated, and the orthophoto will be “true” with no extra effort. 
Can we hope to soon achieve softcopy direct geopositioning and a 
softcopy terrain scanning function? Figure 2 presents an automati- 
cally created DEM from 4 images. No manual work was applied, yet 
there are no spikes nor holes visible in this DEM. 
4.2 Use of Multiple Color Bands 
Color had been a low priority issue in traditional photogrammetry. 
Only the advent of the orthophoto has made color an important 
factor, but all geometric processing is color- neutral. 
Now we have a no-cost, free ability to increase the use of color 
bands, starting out with at least red-green-blue-infrared. This will 
improve the ability of automatically interpreting the contents of the 
image. Image classification promises to become a routine operation 
in the photogrammetric work flow to support all its operations, be it 
for AT, DEMs or vector collection. 
Figure 2: DEM created automatically by multi-ray matching. Each terrain 
point is in at least 4 images. Above: 3 million triangles & image texture of an 
area in Colorado Springs. Below: Detail with business building, highway and 
parking lot with cars. Note the curved sidewalk along the parking lot. 
Item US$ 
Camera annual depreciation 80,000 
Camera annual maintenance 40.000, 
Camera miscellaneous (e.g. insurance) 10,000 
Level-2 and 3 post processing depreciation 4.000 
Archiving tapes, 60,000 digital images 2,000 
Archiving & cataloging system, depreciation 30,000 
Flight operations, extra for 60% sidelap flying 50,000 
SUM 216,000 
Per each of 60,000 digital images 4 
Per each of 20,000 (film-equivalent) images 11 
Item US$ 
Camera annual depreciation TBD 
Camera annual maintenance 5,000 
Camera miscellaneous (calibration) 5,000 
Film purchases, 20,000 images annually 80,000 
Photo processing, 20,000 images annually 60,000 
Scanning, 20,000 images annually 200,000 
Film archive operating costs, annually 1,500 
Digital archive operating costs, annually 1,500 
SUM 353,000 
Per each of 20,000 film images 18 
Figure 3: Direct costs creating single film (below) & single digital image 
(above), based on annually 20,000 film and an equivalent 20,000 digital 
images (when in fact 60,000 digital images get produced to cover the same 
area). Digital coverage not only comes for less money than film, it also 
comes at much higher overlap/redundancy. All costs assumed to be typical 
for a mix of European and US operations, over all scales. Note that of course 
costs may vary greatly with scale, area and organization. Basic flying costs 

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