Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
4.3 Avoidance of Occlusions 
Dissimilarities between overlapping images are most distinct where 
vertical terrain objects occlude adjacent objects. One of the 
attractions of laser scanner data is their ability to cover areas 
otherwise hidden in stereo models. Sufficient image redundancy can 
achieve a comparable avoidance of occlusions. 
The cost of a digital camera operation is defined by the annual 
depreciation of the camera, the survey plane, crew and flight 
environment. lt is not, however, defined in any way by the number 
of mages being created per year. When compared to film imaging, 
there exist only the fixed costs of the digital system, no additional 
costs per image made (with the exception of additional flying time if 
60% side-laps are used). The more images are being made, the less 
are the costs per image. Plane, crew and flight support systems are 
considered the same for film and digital cameras, except for extra 
fuel and extra use of the survey plane if side-laps get increased from 
20% to 60%. What differs is the cost for consumables (film, photo 
processing), certain labor such as scanning and film management, 
maintaining a photo lab and a film archive. 
Figure 3 attempts to compare the economy of a digital versus a film- 
based flying operation. Of course the numbers are rough estimates 
and will vary for specific situations. The cost of flying 60% side- 
laps may vary greatly dependent on the cost structure of a flying 
operation. The costs of an archival and cataloguing system could be 
charged to the photogrammetric processing rather than the flying 
operation. Generally, however, one will quickly see that digital 
camera operations reduce costs, yet produce a higher value input 
data set. 
Figure 4 compares the costs of photogrammetric processing into 
map/GIS data products such as DEMs, orthophotos and 3D vector 
data. Here the numbers aim at comparing “apples with apples”, thus 
the same ground areas and the same data products, once produced 
by a current organization using both digital data from scanned film 
plus film data on analytical/analog plotters, and in the other case a 
radically modern organization with a fully digital work flow. Figure 
4 assumes that all of the annually produced 20,000 film images get 
converted to orthophotos, and also get converted to 3D vector 
maps/GIS-input. With an annual cost for a human operator at $ 
40,000 the manual labor is the overwhelming cost factor, and 
depreciation for equipment use is but a minor expense. The 
8099/60960 overlaps in the digital domain will produce an 
overwhelming advantage in automation, and the dual 
analog/softcopy work flow can be abandoned, leading to significant 
cost reductions. 
The conclusions from Figures 3 and 4 are that there should be a cost 
reduction by a factor of roughly 2 for both the acquisition as well as 
processing of digital images into deliverable data products. 
Indications are that the following may happen: 
e The split into image acquisition specialists and 
photogrammetric processing specialists may break down. 
Processing collected digital images into deliverable images 
(the post-processing need) makes it logical that level 4+ 
processing gets merged in with the production of color images 
by post processing. Also automation will make it illogical to 
separate image acquisition from image analysis. 
e The end users may want to consume part of the cost savings 
and are going to pay less per square kilometer and data 
product. Since mapping budgets will not shrink, there will be 
more images and more frequent re-mapping,. 
e The concern for quality may be replaced by the concern for 
rapid response and lower costs, leading to a reduced concern 
for quality. 
e New data products will emerge that better model the 3- 
dimensionality of the human habitat, and that take full 
advantage of emerging mixed reality, immersive human- 
computer interaction and wearable computing devices. 
Item US$ 
Level 4+ processing depreciation Incl. in archiving 
Depreciation for 6 manual editing work stations 6,000 
Manual editing, 1 hr/ image! 500,000 
Depreciation for 13 stereo work stations, 2 shifts 6,000 
Stereo plotting, 2 hr/image! 1,000,000 
SUM 1.500,000 
Per each of 20,000 film-equivalent images 75 
Item US$ 
Depreciation of 7 analytical plotters, 3 shifts 70,000 
Depreciation of 6 softcopy work stations 6,000 
Manual editing, 2 hr/image" 1,000,000 
Stereo plotting, 4 hr/image" ^ 2,000,000 
SUM 3,000000 
Per each of 20,000 film images 150 
Figure 4: Comparing the costs of converting 20,000 film images and the 
equivalent number of digital images into photogrammetric products. lt is 
assumed that all 20,000 images get processed into DEMs, ortho photos and 
3D vectors. Note that there will be 60,000 digital images covering the area of 
20,000 film images. The 60,000 digital images are input into the automated 
procedures. For the manual work on the digital images, only the “best” stereo 
overlaps are being used. The manual work is proportional to surface area, not 
number of images, and therefore is computed on the basis of the film images, 
to compare “apples with apples”. Savings at $ 75/image. 
In Figure 3 on film cameras, no value was attached to the 
depreciation of film cameras. However, if no new film cameras get 
sold, then the value of film cameras goes to zero, and any current 
book value would need to get written off. Similarly, any residual 
Assuming an annual labor cost of $ 40,000, and 1600 labor hours per year, 
addressing 20,000 “entities”. 
Manual work for AT, DEM preparation, orthophoto creation and vector 

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