A. Mohammadzadeh**, A. Tavakoli”, M. J. Valadan Zoej*
* Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Faculty, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, No. 1346, Vali Asr St., Tehran,
Iran, Postal Code: 1996715433 - ali_ -
° Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology -
KEY WORDS: Extraction, Fuzzy Logic, IKONOS, GIS, High resolution, Change Detection
Attaining geospatial information is a challenge for many scientific practitioners. Such information is a necessary tool for spatial
decision making. Remote Sensing (RS) is the leading art/science providing the data for many global or local applications such as:
green house effect, pollution, military, urban and land use. Graphical elements of geospatial information can be divided into: points,
lines, and planimetric features. The most prominent linear topographic features are roads, rivers, railways and vegetation boundaries.
Roads are important large-network man-made structures. All the elements can be derived from RS images. Many efforts have been
performed to extract proper information efficiently. They can be classified into: manual and automatic feature extraction. Manual
techniques are fading away as they are inefficient and inaccurate. Automatic extraction of geospatial phenomena has been the
subject of extensive research for the past decade. Feature extraction approaches are diverse especially for linear features whose
major methodologies are: fusion-based, fuzzy-based, mathematical morphology, model-based approach, dynamic programming and
multi-scale grouping. In this paper, an approach based on fuzzy and mathematical morphology is introduced. In the developed fuzzy
process, each pixel is transformed into a matrix of membership degrees representing the fuzzy inputs. A minimum-reasoning rule is,
then, applied to infer the fuzzy outputs. Finally, a defuzzification step is applied to extract features. Advanced morphological
concepts: “trivial opening’, ‘granulometry’ and ‘skeleton’ are applied to remove small objects, narrow paths and noises
automatically. In addition, shadows of trees and buildings that cause partially covered roads are recovered. This object of this paper
is to illustrate an applied method for automatic extraction of Iranian roads from pan-sharpened IKONOS images. The method is
successfully executed on different regions including urban, suburban and rural areas. It is concluded that extracted road centrelines
are so accurate and precise. The results are more promising at the crosses and curved segments. The extracted road centreline is
easily inserted in a G/S. For future work, authors intend to introduce the fuzzy classification method into an artificial neural network
program. In addition, the illustrated method can be used for the purpose of change detection in the road network system of a city
from high resolution satellite images.
For the development of a large number of countries topographic
mapping from space must be regarded as a necessity (Konecny
and Schiewe, 1996). Today many suitable and operational 2.1 Stage 1: Developed Fuzzy System
sensors exhibiting various spatial, spectral and temporal
resolutions and continuously delivering raw imagery are in In the first step, we have developed a fuzzy method used by
orbit, and more are to come. Thus, the time and cost intensive Melgani et al. (2000). In this approach multispectral remote
manual procedure necessary for turning these images into sensing images are segmented in two classes: road and non-
useful geographic information constitutes the main bottleneck, road. By sampling from road surface, mean value of the road in
Which needs to be overcome. The solution is an increase in each band will be obtained. We have defined 5 membership
automation in order to improve the efficiency of satellite functions (MFs) with special means and standard deviations in
topographic mapping. The major types of linear topographic each band. Then, a fuzzification step is applied for obtaining an
objects are roads, rivers, railways and vegetation boundaries. estimation of the class contributions in each band assuming a
The major linear features of interest right now are roads. Gaussian distribution of the classes. After a MIN and a MAX
Automatic extraction of reads from digital images has been an operation on these fuzzy inputs results to the fuzzy
active research subject for a decade. This field is quite young classification of the scene. Then a hard classification can be
and the major approaches are not settled. Research in feature deduced in the defuzzification step in order to achieve to the
extraction is still very diverse and object extraction is a segmented image. This method is successfully applied on
fundamental computer vision operator. IKONOS Pan-sharpened image. Figure 1 shows defined
There are different methodologies for feature extraction, hypothetic MFs for bands one and two. There are 5*5=25
especially for linear features such as image fusion for feature classes for two bands and 5*5*5=125 classes for three bands.
extraction (Pigeon et al., 2001), fuzzy-based approach (Agouris Figure 2 shows implementation flowchart used in the fuzzy
et al., 1998), mathematical morphology (Zhang, 1999), model- step.
based approach (Buckner, 1998), dynamic programming (Gruen
et al., 1995), multi-scale grouping and context (Mayer et al.,
1997), and kalman filtering (Vosselman et al., 1995).