Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
densities differ in shape but exhibit a high degree of 
overlap. Classifying objects instead of pixels also allows the 
measurement and use of spatial characteristics such as size, 
shape and texture, which have been found to be useful in 
2- An object representation is often more compact than a pixel 
description. This savings in storage space or transmission 
speed occurs if objects contain enough points so that 
specifying the locations and essential properties of the 
objects takes fewer bits than specifying the collection of 
individual pixel properties. 
In the analysis and processing of multispectral images one 
encounters a large amount of data. To enable efficient 
processing of this data, it would be preferable to have an 
underlying model that explains the dominant characteristics of 
the given image data. Subsequent processing of the images can 
be efficiently accomplished by using the models fitted to the 
data. With the above scheme, a scene is segmented into 
spatially disjoint objects (Ghassemian & Landgrebe, 1987). 
Objects in imaged scenes are describable by sets of relevant 
attributes or features (Ghassemian & Landgrebe, 1988). These 
features represent distinct measurements or observable 
properties. The object's initial measurements, which are 
encoded as pixel-features, are subsequently subjected to art 
object-feature transformation. Each of the objects contains a 
union of similar pixels, and the union of the simple objects 
represents the whole scene. All pixels of an object, whose 
pixels satisfy the unity relation, can be represented by an 
object-feature set (Ghassemian, 1990). 
The accuracy of this system (the information content in the 
object-feature-set) is dependent on the parametric primitives 
who are used in object- feature construction; however, this 
accuracy has an upper bound which is controlled by the level of 
noise which exists in the acquired data. In the analysis of a set 
of data points in multidimensional space, the need to choose the 
most relevant features frequently arises. Feature selection 
techniques are used to find properties of objects in the scene 
which can serve as the strongest clues to their identification. 
One way to characterize this dependency, among the 
neighbouring pixels, is to represent it by a unity relation. The 
unity relation among the pixels of an object means that an 
object consists of contiguous pixels from a common class where 
their features are statistically similar. The keys to the unity 
relation among the pixels of an object are the adjacency relation 
and the similarity criterion. Mathematically it can then be said 
that the unity relation exists between two pixels if they satisfy 
two criteria simultaneously (Ghassemian & Landgrebe, 2001): 
l- They have an adjacency relation with each other, in the 
sense that they are spatially contiguous or their spatial 
distance is filled by a sequence of contiguous pixels from the 
same class. The subset of L (spatial-feature) whom their 
corresponding pixels having an adjacency relation with the 
pixel X, is represented by the set Ay, called neighbourhood 
They have the same attributes, or they carry equivalent 
useful information about the scene, in the sense that their 
features are similar to each other. This means that the 
distance between these attributes, in an appropriate metric- 
space, is less than unit, d,(X,, X,)«1. 
Let R (.) be a relation on pixel-feature-set P. When the relation 
exists it is represented by R(.)=1, otherwise by R(.)-0. Then 
R(.) is a unity relation provided that it satisfies the following 
properties for all X,, X,, X, belonging to pixel-feature-set P: 
I- Similarity and Adjacency Properties: 
R(X,, Xy)- Fl if and only if d(X,, Xy)<l andr € A, 
[I- Reflexive Property: R(X, Xi) = 1 
I1I- Symmetric Property: R(X, X4) = R(X, X,) 
IV- Transitive Property: 
Xo Xy) = | and R(X, Xn) =1 = R(X, Xy) = 
The unity relation is defined by a property between two 
individual pixels in an object, can be extended to the property 
between a pixel and an object. We had pointed out that, the 
unity relation in the observation space is defined by an 
adjacency relationship together with a similarity criterion 
among the pixels’ attributes. The similarity between the pixels’ 
attributes is of basic importance in attempting to test the 
existence of the unity relation. This is evident since the 
existence of two adjacent objects, is a consequence of the 
dissimilarity of features from neighbouring pixels where two 
adjacent objects differ in at least one of the spectral or 
contextual features. 
The accuracy of the similarity measure is dependent on the 
selected metric space used for functional construction and has 
an upper bound which is controlled by the amount of noise in 
the system. The uncertainty in the similarity measure is 
significantly reduced using the within object regularities. This 
property is used in the path-hypothesis for unity relation 
construction. The path of sequential association, which pixels 
follow in the spectral space, from a continually evolving 
hypothesis regarding the object definition. Elements in this path 
are determined on a spectral basis relative to the current status 
of all other adjacent objects by the spectral variation between 
two consecutive points in the path, using a specific metric to be 
defined presently. Elements in the path are also determined 
based upon the spectral separation between the current and the 
most recently preceding pixel of that object in spatial space, 
thus incorporating both spectral and spatial information in that 
association of pixels with objects. 
It should be realized that the path-object P; is defined in the 
spectral space and it is different from a spatial path in the scene. 
A path-object P; is represented by its spectral- feature S; , 
spectral variation regularity V; , and the path end point Xxi+1- 
The path hypothesis thus determines a possible sequence of 
points in the observation space for each object, which implies 
that each object forms a well-defined sequence in observation 
space, called the path-object. The succession of consecutive 
observations describes a particular trajectory in the observation 
space. Any change in the behaviour of two consecutive points 
(the end point of the path-object X,;., and the current pixel X; ) 
in this trajectory can define a start point of a new object. 
In theory, decision about class membership for a noisy object 
should be based upon as many observations of the object as 
possible and preliminary decisions concerning subsets of 
object-features can provide less than maximally reliability 
recognition. Thus theoretically, the most reliable decision 
should be based upon all the pixels in the object. Also in theory, 
every result achievable with d variables can also be achieved 
etc Ui C'T © "3 ey 
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