Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
2000). The test field in Frederikstad, Norway, has been flown 
by two companies producing suitable GPS/IMU equipment, 
namely Applanix of Toronto, Canada, using their system 
POS/AV 510 and IGI mbH, Germany, with the system 
Aerocontrol 11. Both companies have made calibration flights in 
the image scales of approximately 1:5000 and 1:10 000 and a 
flight for testing the results in the scale 1:5000. The targeted 
control points of the test field are available with accuracy below 
+/-1cm for all coordinate components. 
The focal length was introduced as unknown during the 
computation of the boresight misalignment. Depending upon 
the data set and the type of computation, based on both flying 
heights there have been significant corrections to the focal 
length from 41pm up to *50pm. Also the location of the 
principal point could not be neglected. Intensive tests with 11 
system calibrations have been made by the Finish Geodetic 
Institute and the National Land Survey of Finland (Honkavaara 
et al 2003) showing improvements of the focal length up to 
45um and significant changes of the principal point locations 
up to 40pm. 
The discrepancy of the interior orientation parameters cannot be 
neglected. The knowledge of the actual focal length is 
important for a flight over the project area with a different 
flying height above ground like during the reference flight. The 
location of the principal point is also important if the flight 
direction will not be the same — like usual. But the location of 
the principal point can be determined with a reference flight 
only on one height level, flown with opposite directions. 
Block adjustments and also the whole photogrammetric data 
handling are usually made in the national coordinate system. 
They are not orthogonal systems and do not correspond to the 
mathematical model used in photogrammetry. The national 
coordinate systems are map projections and do follow the 
curved earth. The difference between the curved earth and the 
correct mathematical model is causing mainly a deformation of 
the vertical coordinate component. It is usually compensated by 
an earth curvature correction of the image coordinates. 
The earth flattening by the net projections is deforming the 
geometric relations. All modern national net projections are 
conformal — over short distances the angular relations are not 
influenced by the projection. This only can be reached if the 
enlargement of the AY, which is caused by the convergence of 
the lines perpendicular to the reference meridian, will be 
compensated by a local enlargement of the AX (see figure 2). 
So we do have a local change of the projection scale 
independent upon the direction (formula 1). 
Figure 2. net projection 
SO = scale factor for reference meridian 
R = earth radius 
X = distance from meridian Formula 1: local 
scale of transverse 
x Mercator system 
scale = S0e|1+ : 
This local scale change is valid only for the horizontal 
components X and Y. The height has a different definition and 
is independent upon the net projection; it has always the scale 
factor 1.0 leading to an affinity deformation of the three- 
dimensional coordinate system. 
A /A 
—» from center 
Figure 3. influence of the national net scale to the exterior 
Only one average scale for all three coordinate components will 
be determined by the image orientation. Caused by the limited 
Z-range the vertical control points usually have no or only a 
negligible influence to the model scale. The horizontal scale 
will be used also for the vertical component that means the 
heights are directly affected by the local scale of the national 
net. The scale for the reference meridian of UTM-coordinates is 
fixed to 0.9996 causing a deviation of 4cm for a height 
difference of Ah-100m at the reference meridian or 40cm 
difference for a flying height above ground of 1000m. The scale 
factor of UTM-coordinates goes up to 1.001 corresponding to 
Im over 1000m. 
The influence to the ground heights is usually within the 
accuracy range of the point determination. This is different for 
the projection centre. For the OEEPE-test on “integrated sensor 
otientation” the distance from the reference meridian is in the 

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