Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
together with the National Land Survey of Finland (Honkavaara 
et al 2003), Applanix (Mostafa et al 2003) and the author 
(Jacobsen 2000). 
The analogue photogrammetric cameras have not been 
constructed for the attachment of an IMU causing some of the 
stability problems. Also the inner orientation of the analogue 
cameras has only the stability required for the classical 
orientation. This is different for the new digital cameras like Z/I 
DMC, Vexcel Ultracam, Leica ADS40 and Applanix (Emerge) 
DSS. The construction has respected from the beginning the 
mount of an IMU-system. The line scanner ADS40 cannot be 
operated without. Today the use of analogue cameras is 
dominating, so most of the investigations are related to them. 
The quality of the attitude information has reached a high level, 
so with some exceptions the problems of direct sensor 
orientation are located more in the position of the projection 
centre and the inner orientation. Especially the focal length has 
only limited long term stability. Honkavaara et al (2003) are 
reporting about a change of a wide angle focal length from 
25um to 43um against the calibration certificate. The change of 
43um — 25um = 18um corresponds to 0.01% of the flying 
height and this is the usual accuracy of photogrammetric point 
detection. Cramer (2003) is showing problems of the vertical 
component of some long term investigations of Hansa Luftbild. 
Baron et al (2003) reports about a change of the focal length of 
I5um within 24 days. An explanation for the change of the 
focal length can be found at Meier (1978). Theoretical 
investigations were leading to changes of the focal length 
caused by the vertical temperature gradient in the lens system 
based on the cold air outside and moderate temperature in the 
aircraft. Discrepancies of the focal length under flight 
conditions to the laboratory calibration up to 40pm have been 
seen often. 
The shift parameters between IMU and the imaging sensor are 
changing from day to day. Of course this cannot be explained 
by a physical shift of one to each other, but the shift parameters 
are strongly correlated with the location of the principal point 
and in the flight direction with problems of the time 
synchronisation. A separation between the shifts caused by the 
GPS positioning and the principal point location is possible if 
the reference flight will be flown in two opposite directions. 
Due to strong correlation a separation of the principal point 
location in the flight direction and a time synchronisation is not 
possible, but it is also not required. Cramer (2003) is reporting 
about the results achieved by Hansa Luftbild showing a change 
of the shift parameters from day to day in the range of 10cm up 
to 20cm, but Hansa Luftbild made only reference flights in one 
direction, so a separation between the principal point location 
and other reasons is not possible. Honkavaara et al (2003) have 
identified changes of the principal point location up to 16pm for 
the same camera — this is more than the possible 
photogrammetric measurement accuracy of objects. 
With the exception of the influence to the model set up for a 
stereo measurement, the accuracy of the attitude parameters is 
usually sufficient. But Dreesen (2001), Honkavaara et al 
(2003), Baron et al (2003) and Jacobsen (2000) have seen some 
sudden changes of attitude parameters from one day to the other 
even after longer time stability. Baron et al (2003) have 
identified sudden changes of the attitude relation in the range of 
3' and this cannot be neglected for all applications. 
If the mentioned problems are respected in the correct manner, 
the direct sensor orientation — the determination of the exterior 
orientation based on inertial data in combination with relative 
kinematic GPS positioning — has reached a high accuracy level 
sufficient for most applications. With large scale images, object 
point accuracies in the range of 20cm for all coordinate 
components can be reached, with a very careful handling even 
10cm up to 20cm. This is sufficient for most of the applications. 
Still a problem may exist with the set up of models for manual 
stereo compilation. Often the rotation yaw or kappa is the week 
point causing not acceptable y-parallaxes in the stereo models. 
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Figure 6. y-parallaxes in a stereo model of the OEEPE test 
direct sensor orientation integrated sensor orientation 
RMSpy-l16um RMSpy=13pm 
An extreme case of problems with y-parallaxes in a stereo 
model set up by direct sensor orientation can be seen on the left 
hand side of figure 6; it corresponds to root mean square errors 
of the y-parallaxes of 116 pm (Jacobsen et al 2001). Values 
above 20um do cause problems with the stereo impression of 
the floating mark. This can be solved by an integrated sensor 
orientation based on an adjustment of the exterior orientation 
determined by direct sensor orientation and image tie point. 
This bundle block adjustment with additional observations does 
not require control points. Based on the integrated sensor 
orientation the root mean square y-parallaxes of the mentioned 
model are reduced to 13pm. In the case of the both OEEPE test 
blocks, in the average the RMS y-parallaxes have been in the 
range of just 10pm — this is a usual value for model handling. 
The integrated sensor orientation requires the determination of 
tie points, but today this is a standard procedure solved by 
automatic aero triangulation. Of course it improves also the 
reliability — the relative relation of the images is controlled by 
tie points. For operational blocks usually few check points are 
measured to be save for blunders in the data handling. Of 
course these check points can be used also for a combined 
adjustment which may solve also problems of shift values. 
The direct and integrated sensor orientation reached an 
accuracy level sufficient for most applications. An important 
aspect is the quite higher flexibility of the block structure like 
for traditional block adjustment. Areas with missing object 
contrast like water surfaces, desert or forest can be bridged 
without problems. Even if few check points are used, their 
location can be somewhere within the project area — so special 

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