Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
locations like block corners where the access to the ground may 
be difficult must not be used for their location. It is not a 
problem to map areas where the access is difficult or dangerous. 
The processing time can be reduced against traditional image 
On the other side unreliable results are not accepted, so a 
procedure which is taking care about the reported problems has 
to. be used. It became a common strategy to determine the 
boresight misalignment every flight day. Some companies have 
done it also before and after the photo flight. The reference 
flights should be done at least over a small test area with control 
points with opposite flight directions to control the principal 
point location. If the reference flight will be done with the same 
flying height above ground like used over the project area, the 
determination of the focal length is not required because the 
main effect is covered by the shift parameters. If different 
flying heights are used, a complete system calibration including 
also the focal length has to be made with two different flying 
heights. The influence of the map projection has to be taken 
into account — this can be made with a determination in an 
orthogonal coordinate system, like geocentric or tangential or 
with respecting the local net scale which also can be made by a 
local change of the focal length, but of course the refraction 
correction and in the case of a direct handling in the national 
coordinate system, the earth curvature correction has to be 
If the problems of the net projection and the focal length are 
respected, the reference area for the determination of the 
boresight misalignment must not be located in the area of the 
project. Of course the required GPS reference must be 
available, but this can be made also with worldwide differential 
GPS services like OmniStar, Skyquest Aviation or NavCom, 
reaching sub-meter accuracy. Still most companies are 
determining the boresight misalignment within the project area 
and with the same flying height, making the handling easier, but 
this may not be an economic solution for small projects. 
In general it has to be mentioned that some experience and 
sufficient education is required for the handling of the direct 
sensor orientation. Often the first test fails because of some 
missing details. This may be the missing required flight figure 
for the initialisation of the inertial system or the use of very 
long straight flight lines which may be affected by inertial 
drifts. Extreme long flight lines should be interrupted by flight 
figures like a circle for avoiding problems with the inertial drift. 
Of course the handling has to be done more rigorous, respecting 
the geoid undulation and the characteristics of the used 
coordinate system. All these aspects are not reducing the large 
economic potential of the direct sensor orientation which may 
be improved by an integrated sensor orientation. 
Some aspects of the limited stability of the boresight 
misalignment are caused by problems of the used analogue film 
cameras which have not been constructed for the mount of an 
IMU-system. This may be different for the new digital cameras 
with a stable imaging plane and a foreseen optimal IMU-mount, 
but up to now this has not been analysed in a sufficient long 
term manner. 
The direct sensor orientation allows solutions different from 
standard applications with a high flexibility. The use of small 
format digital cameras is not economic if the orientation has to 
be determined by standard block adjustment. With the direct 
sensor orientation an economic use has been enabled. 
Baron, A.M., Kornus, W., Talaya, J., 2003: ICC Experiences on 
Inertial / GPS Sensor Orientation, International Workshop 
Theory, Technology and Realities of Inertial / GPS Sensor 
Orientation, ISPRS WG 1/5, Castelldefels, Spain, September 
2003, on CD 
Cramer, M., Stallmann, D., 2002: System Calibration for Direct 
Georeferencing, IAPRS, Vol. XXXIV, Part 3A, pp 79-84 
Cramer, M., 2003: Integrated GPS/Inertial and digital aerial 
triangulation — recent test results, Photogrammetric Week, 
Stuttgart 2003 
Denker, H., 1998: The European gravimetric quasigeoid 
EGG97 — An IAG supported continental enterprise, in: R. 
Forsberg et al, Geodesy on the Move, IAG Symp. Proceedings, 
vol. 119: pp 249-254, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 
Dreesen, ^ F. —2001. Erfahrung mit der . direkten 
Georeferenzierung in der Praxis, Hansa Luftbild Symposium, 
Münster,2001, on CD 
Elberink, S.O., Bresters, P., Vaessen, E., 2003: GPS/INS 
Integration in Practice at the Dutch Survey Department, 
International Workshop Theory, Technology and Realities of 
Inertial / GPS Sensor Orientation, ISPRS WG 1/5, Castelldefels, 
Spain, September 2003, on CD 
Heipke, C., Jacobsen, K.., Wegmann, H., Andersen, O., Nilsen, 
B., 2000: Integrated Sensor Orientation — an OEEPE-Test, 
IAPRS, Vol. XXXIII, Amsterdam, 2000 
Heipke, C., Jacobsen, K., Wegmann, H., 2001: The OEEPE- 
Test on Integrated Sensor Orientation — Analysis of Results, 
OEEPE-Workshop Integrated Sensor Orientation, Hannover 
Sept. 2001, OEEPE Official publication no. 43, pp 31-39 
Honkavaara. E., Ilves, R., Jaakkola, J., 2003: Practical Results 
of GPS/IMU Camera System Calibration, Workshop ‘Theory, 
Technology and Realities of Inertial / GPS Sensor Orientation’, 
[SPRS WH 1/5, Institute de Geomatica, Castelldefels, Spain, on 
Jacobsen, K., 2000: Potential and Limitation of Direct Sensor 
Orientation, IAPRS, Vol. XXXIII, Amsterdam 2000 
Jacobsen, K., 2001 a: Exterior Orientation Parameters, PERS, 
Dec. 2001, pp 1321 — 1332 
Jacobsen, K., 2001b: Aspects of Handling Image Orientation by 
Direct Sensor Orientation, ASPRS Annual Convention 2001, St. 
Jacobsen, K., Wegmann, H., 2001: Dependency and Problems 
of Direct Sensor Orientation, OEEPE-Workshop Integrated 
Sensor Orientation, Hannover Sept. 2001 
Jacobsen, K., 2002: Calibration Aspects in Direct 
Georeferencing of Frame Imagery, ISPRS Commission I / 
Pecora 15, Conference Proceedings, IntArchPhRS (34) Part 1 
Com I, pp 82 — 89, Denver 2002 
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