Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

tanbul 2004 
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3PS Sensor 
. September 
n for Direct 
igital aerial 
tric Week, 
rise, in: R. 
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Realities of 
O., Nilsen, 
he OEEPE- 
of Results, 
ical Results 
p ‘Theory, 
s, Spain, on 
rect Sensor 
ters, PERS, 
entation by 
on 2001, St. 
d Problems 
in Direct 
nission I / 
(34) Part ! 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Kremer, J. 2001: CCNS and Aerocontrol: Products for efficient 
photogrammetric data collection, Photogrammetric Week 2001, 
Wichmann Verlag Heidelberg, Germany, pp 85-92 
Meier, H.-K., 1978: The effect of Environmental Conditions on 
Distortion, Calibrated Focal Length and Focus of Aerial Survey 
Cameras, ISP Symposium, Tokyo, May 1978, Int. Archives of 
Photogrammetry, Vol 22-1, 
Mostafa, M., Hutton, J., 2003: Emerge DSS: A Fully [Integrated 
Digital System for Airborne Mapping, International Workshop 
Theory, Technology and Realities of Inertial / GPS Sensor 
Orientation, ISPRS WG 1/5, Castelldefels, Spain, September 
2003, on CD 
Ressl, C., 2001: Direkte Georeferenzierung von Luftbildern in 
konformen Kartenprojektionen, Osterreichische Zeitschrift für 
Vermessungswesen und Geoinformation, Jahrgang 89, Heft 2 
Schroth, R., 2003: Direct Geo-Referencing in Practical 
Applications, International Workshop Theory, Technology and 
Realities of Inertial / GPS Sensor Orientation, ISPRS WG 1/5, 
Castelldefels, Spain, September 2003, on CD 
Skaloud, J., Schaer, P., 2003: Towards A More Rigorous 
Boresight Determination, International Workshop Theory, 
Technology and Realities of Inertial / GPS Sensor Orientation, 
ISPRS WG 1/5, Castelldefels, Spain, September 2003, on CD 

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