Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
errors, regardless the GCP accuracy and number. These 
statements are mainly supported by the ICP errors, as an 
unbiased validation of the modelling. However, these ICP 
errors include both the cartographic errors and the extraction 
error (due to the image content) of ICP features, and are thus a 
good estimation of the restitution accuracy. The internal 
accuracy of the modelling is in fact better, in the order of pixel 
or sub-pixel. 
| Method | Accuracy | ICP Residuals Errors 
mE | 10m | 30358 ^60 | 53 132 l 4S 
i Photos 3-5m .| 20/38 3.9 4.3 4.2 2.6 
|pGPs | 02m | 1038 | 02 | 02 | es [08 
Table 1. Results of the least-square bundle adjustment of the 
3D physical model using the different GCP 
collection: with GCP accuracy the number of GCPs 
and ICPs, RMS residuals and errors (in metres) on 
GCPs and ICPs, respectively. 
Presently there is no apparent explanation as to why the good 
quality results (6 m and 5.3 m), as related to input accuracy (10 
m), were obtained with the GCPs from a 1:50,000 topographic 
map. The ICP error is in fact at least twice better than the input 
accuracy, with the cartographic coordinate error as the 
predominant error. A good potential reason is that the map has 
a good homogeneity and a good relative and internal accuracy 
(small random error), which are thus reflected in strong bundle 
geometry of the QuickBird image. The systematic error of the 
map is thus compensated by a translation in the image 
modelling. Care must be taken in the extrapolation of these 
results with other maps; however, these results have been 
confirmed in an unpublished CCRS study with QuickBird 
image over Voisey Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. 
On the other hand, the medium quality results (3.9 m and 4.3 
m), as related to input accuracy (3-5 m), of the geometric 
modelling computed with the GCPs collected from the 
orthophotos are due to differential errors caused by a lack of 
homogeneity between the orthophotos. The ICP error is in fact 
almost the same than the input accuracy, with the cartographic 
coordinate error as the predominant error. These differential 
errors (even the systematic error) create local random errors in 
the different parts of the image, which cannot be fully 
compensated by the modelling. 
The high quality results, as related to input accuracy, obtained 
with the DGPS system and the GPS meet the 1:5,000 to 
1:10,000 mapping accuracy, respectively. The ICP error is in 
fact almost the same than the input accuracy: the cartographic 
coordinate error being the predominant error (2-3 m) for hand- 
held GPS collection method, while the 1-m image pointing 
error being the predominant error for the DGPS collection 
method. The DGPS results demonstrate that to achieve the best 
accuracy (sub-pixel) with QuickBird image, the predominant 
error in this GCP collection method has to be reduced by 
choosing well-defined GCPs (natural or artificial targets) in 
order to reduce the image pointing error to sub-pixel. 
Different GCP collection methods were used for geometrically 
processing QuickBird image with CCRS 3D multi-sensor 
physical model: 10 m accurate topographic map to 0.2 m 
accurate DGPS. First, a larger number of GCPs has to be 
collected when their accuracy decreases to reduce the error 
propagation in the least-squares bundle adjustment. Then, 
positioning errors of few metres were achieved regardless the 
collection method: 3-4 m with 1:50,000 map and 3-5 m accurate 
orthophotos and around 1 m with 2-3 m accurate GPS and 0.20 
m accurate DGPS. With the DGPS method, the predominant 
error came from the image pointing: natural and artificial 
targets should be used to further reduce the errors. 
Consequently, depending upon the positioning accuracy 
required by the user and their applications, the appropriate GCP 
collection method can be chosen to maximize scientific aspects 
such as input and processing, output and accuracy as well as 
better manage project aspects such as delivery time, efficiency, 
and costs. 
The authors thank Mr. Matthew Woods from DigitalGlobe for 
the QuickBird image and Mr. Réjean Matte du Ministère des 
Ressources naturelles du Québec, Canada for the cartographic 
data. They also thank Kim Lochhead and Doug Scott of the 
Geodetic Survey Division, NRCan and Gerry Belanger of 
Gemini Positioning Systems Ltd. (http://www.gpsl.com/) for 
assisting with the DGPS data collection, as well as Ms. Katrin 
Hohlbein and Ines Geisler of Technische Universität Dresden, 
Germany for processing the data. 
Mikhail, E.M., 1976. Observations and Least Squares, Harper 
& Row Publishers, New York, U.S.A. 
Robertson, B., 2003. Rigorous Geometric Modeling and 
Correction of QuickBird Imagery, Proceedings of the 
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IGARSS 2003, 
Toulouse, France, 21-25 July 2003, (Toulouse, France: CNES) 
|. CD-ROM. 
Savopol, F., A. Leclerc, Th. Toutin, Y. Carbonneau, 1994. La 
correction géométrique d'images satellitaires pour la Base 
nationale de données topographiques, Geomatica, 48(3), pp. 
Toutin, Th., 1995. Multi-Source Data Fusion with an Integrated 
and Unified Geometric Modelling, ÆARSeL Advances in 
Remote Sensing, 4(2), pp. 118-129. 
http://www.cers.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/rd/ sci pub/bibpdf/1223.pdf 
(accessed 9 May 2004). 
Toutin, Th., 2004a. Comparison of Stereo-Extracted DTM from 
Different High-Resolution Sensors: SPOT-5, EROS, IKONOS 
and QuickBird, — /EEE-TGARS, 42(0), (in press) 
D=13383 (accessed 9 May 2004). 
Toutin, Th., 2004b. Review Paper: Geometric processing of remote 
sensing images: models, algorithms and methods, /nternational 
Journal of Remote Sensing, 25(10), pp.1893-1924, 
(accessed 9 May 2004). 

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