Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
23 Fast Ambiguity Convergence and Resolution 
In precise point positioning, carrier phase ambiguities can be 
treated as float terms. However, the float ambiguity solutions 
may require long convergence times before centimetre-level 
accuracy can be obtained, ranging from several tens of minutes 
to several hours. Since convergence is a crucial issue for real- 
time applications, long convergence times may prevent the PPP 
approach from fulfilling the necessary accuracy requirements. 
As such, fast ambiguity convergence methods and algorithms 
should be developed. 
Integer ambiguities must be treated as integers and 
subsequently must be resolved in order to fully realize the 
accuracy of carrier phase observations. Real-time centimetre 
level accuracy will be supported if integer values of the carrier 
phase ambiguities can be determined On-The-Fly (OTF) over 
short time intervals. The  ionospheric-free observation 
combination models presented in Section 2.1 allow for the 
exploitation of the integer property and new ambiguity 
resolution methods are required with un-differenced GPS 
A software package called P^ has been developed at the 
University of Calgary to support precise point positioning using 
un-differenced GPS code and carrier phase observations. The 
software can be used to assess the performance of different data 
processing models as well as the influence of different error 
sources on positioning results. 
Processing in P? can be done in post mission or in real-time, 
and the program can be run in either static or kinematic mode. 
Two point positioning modes are available: Single Point 
Positioning (SPP), which only makes use of code 
measurements, and Precise Point Positioning (PPP), which 
makes use of code and phase measurements along with precise 
satellite orbit and clock corrections. P^ also supports forward 
and backward data processing. 
The software lists various values for each processed epoch and 
displays a sky plot and a residual plot during processing. After 
processing is completed, a variety of graphs may be displayed, 
including the trajectory and velocity, the estimation of the 
receiver clock offset and zenith tropospheric delay, and the 
number of satellites and DOP values. A sample screenshot of 
the software during processing is shown in Figure 1. 
RPI . iix 
“+ we 
Run Pause Stop ^ Abk Me 2003-0020 14/57:01.$ 2003-08-20 15:43:23.0 
3 Latitude (ml 001) 
70 + Longitude fm) 0 109 
© Hew fm] 0.025 
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Figure 1: P? Software Sample Screenshot 
Two airborne kinematic data sets were post-processed using the 
3 : ^ 3 
P^ software. A 10? elevation angle cut-off was used for all P 
processing results. 
4.1 Aircraft — Low Dynamics (~300 km/h) 
The first data set was flown on August 23, 2003, with a flight 
duration of approximately 4.75 h. Maximum aircraft speed did 
not exceed 310 km/h. Precise orbit and clock data was provided 
from JPL, at resolutions of 15 minutes and | second, 
respectively. The positioning results obtained using P? software 
were then compared to JPL's GIPSY/OASIS II solution, since it 
is the only software package that we found in the market that 
performs un-differenced carrier phase processing with a single 
The number of satellites and PDOP, the altitude of the aircraft, 
and an estimation of the zenith tropospheric delay for the 
forward and backward pass is shown in Figures 2, 3 and 4, 
respectively. Finally, the position errors from backward 
processing (with respect to the GIPSY OASIS II solution) are 
shown in Figure 5. The position error statistics are listed in 
Table 1. 
The estimation of the zenith tropospheric delay is relatively 
stable, as shown in Figure 4. This is because of the relatively 
constant flying altitude, shown in Figure 3. Figure 5 and the 
statistics in Table 1 show good agreement between the two PPP 
solutions, despite the remaining sinusoidal effect that still 
remains in the height component. 
NumSVs & PDOP 
11:23 11:56 12:30 13.03 13:36 14:10 
Locai Time (hh:mm) 
1443 1516 
pads do 
| — NumSVs | i 
{= Poor + 
Number of SVs / PDOP 
Uu o 
A À pens d te 
401000 403000 405000 407000 409000 411000 413000 415000 
GPS Time (s) 
Figure 2: Number of Satellites and PDOP 
Height Local Time (hh:mm) 
s 6 1230 1303 1336 1410 1443 — 1516 
ioo. 1123 11:5 ; 
Height (m) 
e eate Lesern - ade mecre dM Lo ” 
"401000 403000 405000 407000 409000 411000 413000 415000 
GPS Time (s) 
Figure 3: Altitude 

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