Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

ınbul 2004 
'S for the 
olution. 20 
Local Time (hh:mm) 
Rx Clock 
23:36 00:10 00:43 01:16 01:50 
1 - T T i 
etween the 
iparing the 18 j 
| in Figure ; |a / 
he height | 
educed in 
to the two 
; shown in 
r one-third 
, Which is 
Receiver Clock Offset (m; 
— Forward | 
„= Backwerd_ | 
GPS Time (s) 
BALL —— = 
13000 15000 17000 19000 21000 
Figure 9: Receiver Clock Error 
Time (hh:mm) 
Position Error (Backward Pass) Local Time (hh:mm) 
12 23:36 00:10 90:43 01:16 91:50 02:23 
[=="Talitude (RMSE = 0.084 m) 
| Longitude (RMSE = 0.076 m) | 
1, [-— Height (RMSE = 0,531 m) i 
08 | 
| i 
| ; 
1 06+ 3 A A T i 
€ | ^ M # 
5 04 , : f^. ^ 
i LET f MW Vi 
© te PA AVIA 
Ww s AV WA ay twee" 
ih de ve NY 
SPS Time (s) 
a 13000 15000 17000 19000 21000 23000 
GPS Time (s) 
. oye 3 
m bem) Figure 10: Position Errors between P" and the Data 
ime mm, 
223 Supplier’s In-House DGPS Solution 
+ Position Error (Backward Pass) Local Time (hh:mm) 
| 23:36 00:10 00:43 01:16 0t50 0223 
| 0.6 = 5i a : 
| 05 
| = 
| | 
| o3r a 
| 2:02 ly 
| eg 02 1 | 
| = { ‘ 4 
A y U^ 
o -01| Ï l 
3PS Time (s) 
-02 [— Latitude (RMSE = 0.04 m) 
| Longitude (RMSE = 0.056 m) 
— Height (RMSE = 0 166 m) 
gt 13000 15000 17000 19000 21000 23000 
; GPS Time (s) 
ime (hh:mm) 3 
m Figure 11: Position Errors between P" and JPL?s GIPSY 
| OASIS II Solution 
| oye Aij» 3 1 
| Table 2: Position Error Statistics (cm): P^ vs DGPS 
| . 
| Latitude Longitude Height 
| Mean -14 -3.6 50.7 
| Std. Dev. 4.0 6.7 15.9 
| RMSE 8.4 7.6 53.1 
| ... ce 3 6 
Table 3: Position Error Statistics (em): P” vs JPL's 
= G IS II 
i La de H t 
PS Time (s) Mean "ll, -3. ] ] 37 
Std. Dev. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
The purpose of this paper was to present a method that has been 
developed at the University of Calgary for high precision 
kinematic positioning using a single dual-frequency GPS 
receiver. P), the software developed at the University of 
Calgary, was also described. Since the PPP approach does not 
require the deployment of base stations, errors associated with 
reference station coordinates as well as error de-correlation 
with increasing rover-reference receiver distance do not apply. 
Aside from globally consistent accuracy (rivaling DGPS 
accuracy in many instances), the PPP approach offers a 
significant cost saving since base stations do not need to be 
Two airborne kinematic data sets have been analyzed and 
compared with other available solutions. It was found that the 
P^ solution agrees well with the GIPSY/OASIS II solution 
provided by JPL, with differences at the centimetre level in the 
horizontal, and up to a couple of decimetres in the vertical. 
About half of the height discrepancy between these two 
solutions can be attributed to different precise clock product 
resolutions — 5 minutes for P?, and 1 second for JPL. 
The second data set presented in this paper showed that the PPP 
approach would be more accurate than the DGPS approach in 
some instances especially over long baselines since it does not 
depend on error de-correlation between the rover and reference 
receivers or the coordinates of the reference receivers. As such, 
it is capable of providing a globally consistent solution with 
reduced logistical complexity in the field. 
The research was supported partially by an NSERC grant and 
an NCE GEOIDE grant. 
Gao, Y. and X. Shen (2002). *A New Method Of Carrier Phase 
Based Precise Point Positioning," Navigation: Journal of the 
Institute of Navigation, Vol. 49, No. 2. 
Gabor, M.J. (2000) “Characteristics Of Satellite-Satellite 
Single Difference Widelane Fractional Carrier Phase 
Biases.” Proceedings of ION GPS 2000, Salt Lake 
City, UT, 19-22, September. 
IGS, (2000). The IGS-2000 Annual Report. 
GPS*C Interface Control Document, 2001, Natural Resources 
Canada, www.cdgps.com. 
IGS Data & Products, November 21, 
http://i gscb.jpl.nasa.gov/components/prods.html 

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