Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

ul 2004 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 2. Location map of field and the distribution of GPS continuous observation stations 
of GEONET used for reference networks in this experiment 
(The distance from field to the nearest reference station: 4.4 km in the smaller network and 22.9 km in the larger network) 
Fix the “Geodetic Coordinates 2000” to all reference stations 
Surveying by using the different coordinates 
Fix the “Recent Analytic Coordinates” to all reference stations 
The larger Network (Sakai, Inagawa, Ootsu2) 
Surveying by using the different REF. networks Witltan average basoling longth of 33 bm 
(refer to Figure 2) The smaller Network (Sakai, Koubechuo, Minoo) 
with an average baseline length of 34 km 
The traditional RTK-GPS 
Correction data: RTCM2.2 / Type 1,3,16,18,19,22 
Surveying by using the different RTK systems 
A new RTK-GPS by VRS 
Correction data: RTCM2.2 / Type 1,3,16,18,19,59 
Trimble 5700 (receiver) / Zephyr (antenna) / TSC1 (controller) 
Surveying by using different GPS receivers 
Leica SR530 (receiver) / AT502 (antenna) / TR530 (controller) 
Table 3. Details of different surveying ways for RTK-GPS positioning in experiment 

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