Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 International Arc 
approximately a “pixel” in the terrain. This spreading is related PLANIMETRIC RESULTANT 
to the determination of parameters of exterior orientation. The 
inaccuracies existing in the identification and reading of the i Sern ge iL 
control points in the image, due to the resolution of the image, 08r Pii Boh m 
influence the determination of parameters of exterior p 06 ^ = S. 206 
orientation. Other systematic spacings, with the same level of 3 04 / vu age : x 3 ial 
significance, were found in orientations conducted and not = 02 ts xa à = i 
shown in this paper. In the orientations, different groups of me | ER In 4 > : 
control points read in the image were employed. It was T 1 pm = 5 "v | à By 
verified that this type of spacing may occur in any of the QR \ / & c 
regions tested, depending on the orientations parameters Bow x hs / 5 „04 
determined. However, the systematic spacings found in the e ost © P 8 os} 
tests performed were always at one “pixel” significance level. -08F Bh diy nr 
4} xl e a 
Point DX(m) | DY(m)| DZ(m) Dpla(m) i e = 1 x : 
| 314 “147 077 347 Discrepancy in X (Meters) 2s 
: e 1 2 10) Figure 3 Seca ile of the planimetric discrepancies Figure 6: Specia 
a us Um = p in the region of large buildings. the region of sma 
> 007 418 -36l 418 Point DX(m) | DY(m) | DZ(m) | Dpla(m) 
/ 228 330107. 02 2 4 | l.l 6 
s dis | 597.1. 2323 1.008 3 SOLID [up S The results obtait 
9 s: 4 300 |. 1 4 LU Ux a TE presented. for th 
10 O1 135 | -1.127 135 5 368 | -248 lea a integration of | 
Ll -.051 251 145 256 6 ACh 1.395 1 484 1.2607 images is viable 
12 -.587 1835 | -.282 615 7 468. 115.072. 1-073]. 474 and planimetric 
13 .261 -.103 -.001 281 8 243 -.069 -.083 285 vector mappings 
14 -.229 -.007 .160 229 9 - 100 -.003 .853 .100 conducted, 100% 
15 -.043 .018 .102 .047 10 219 2125 .324 82 discrepancies bi 
16 „252 -.054 :377 .258 11 495 -.026 220 496 methodology ma 
17 -.207 -.010 -.003 207 12 250 - A03 „58 .393 the terrestrial SI 
18 .011 .204 -.161 .204 13 „134 $173 2.197 219 existing in, the r 
19 236 -.035 -.139 239 14 503 300 1293 590 format digital ca 
20 195 | A oe 348 15 S [m l| Gl 204 SCanner Survey i 
2] -.206 -275 -. 792 344 16 185 138 208 231 the proposed met 
22 N OL 572 17 596 | -081 | -299 | .601 ony 
23 Ses [00 zu 05; 8 | 6» [| MM [381 | 5 BEE t 
a 25 | 87 19 Sd | oo ol sb eR Ee enm 
25 "113 251 | 225 273 20 050 | -051 | 284 | 078 o SR 
26 -382 UE RENT 384 2] S357 | 539 [309 | 775 The eee ci 
27 = 243 ‚032 -.098 .245 22 -.085 2385 -.065 .394 A. 9 
z more precision to 
28 -.058 .240 -.509 247 3 1 487 : : 
23 256 408 196 482 thus increasing th 
29 394 -.244 -.220 463 24 218 447 062 497 dimension of the 
30 zi49 | 1331 2 223 200 25 256 | dsl od 037 [2314 format tuners is 
31 069 | -179 483 192 26 e T HT! 77 compared with ce 
32 138 261 | - 148 295 > "Gas | 441 230i |. 445 future, this dis 
33 152 | 31492 219 28 «oio 1 2153 | 2246 13 134 development and 
34 109 d ezd80 |. 577 492 29 3 1-93 [277 1 507 based on CMOS t 
35 099 362 | -28l 375 30 Sis | Ur on 
Mean -.002 TM -.113 322 31 523 180 185 1553 
S. dev. .221 258 341 154 32 453 596 «1,049 "$36 
35 319 -.373 -.805 491 
Table 2: Accuracy obtained in the 3D monorestitution in the Mean ETE -.049 7232 448 ACKERMANN, 
region of large buildings. Dev. |. 75. 27 7) I Models. Geomati 
Algorithms anc 
Table 3: Accuracy obtained in the 3D monorestitution in the 
region of small buildings. 
and Laser Scanni 
Remote Sensing.

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