International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
villages must have played an acitve role in transportation along
the river.
There seems to have existed an enclosed relationship of nomads
and villagers in the Middle Euphrates region at least from the
3" millennium B.C. This kind of society often has a dimorphic
structure in which there is a special relationship between tribal
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1976). To avoid environmental determinism there exists
evidence that governments may politically affect the
sedentarization process of nomads. The cycle of nomadism and
sedentism is typical of Jebel Bishri, situated between the desert
and the sown However, the increasing adoption of the steppe
land for agriculture has deteriorated grazing lands by increasing
desertification. To preserve the natural livelihoods of nomads
and traditional culture in the region is of outmost importance.
There is a vital need to diminish the overtaking forces of the
desert and to prevent the increase of agriculture over the steppic
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Table 1. The spatial and spectral properties of the used satellite images.
Instrument MSS TM ETM QuickBird Corona
Channels 4: 0.5 — 0.6 um 1: 0.45 — 0.52 um 1: 0.45 — 0.52 um 1: 0.45 — 0.52 um Panchromatic
5: 0.6 — 0.7 um 2: 0.52 — 0.60 um 2: 0.52 — 0.60 um 2: 0.52 — 0.60 um Film
6: 0.7 — 0.8 um 3: 0.63 — 0.69 um 3: 0.63 — 0.69 um 3: 0.63 — 0.69 jum
7: 0.8— 1.1 um 4: 0.76 — 0.90 um 4: 0.76 — 0.90 uum 4: 0.76 — 0.90um
5: 1.55 — 1.75 um 5: 1.55 — 1.75 um Pan: 0.45 — 0.90 um
6: 10.4 — 12.5 um
7: 2.08 - 2.35 um
6: 10.4 — 12.5 um
7: 2.08 — 2.35 um
Pan 0.50 — 0.90 um
Spatial resolution | 79m 30m
Ch6 120m
30m 2.44 m
Pan 15m Pan 0.61 m
Ch6 60m at nadir
best case
Image size 185 x 185 km2 185 x 185 km2
185 x 185 km2 16.5x 16.5 km2 188 x 14 km2
Radiometric 7 bit 8 bit
| quantization
8 bit | 1 bit Film
About 2m in the