Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
1.1 Location aware applications 
If we have a closer look on the market we will notice that there 
are several simple information systems providing information 
dependent on the actual location. As these commercial systems 
are offered by different companies each system uses a 
proprietary data format. Access on data of different information 
providers and exchange are difficult. 
An open platform for location aware applications can widen the 
possibilities, as everybody would be able to contribute 
information to the model. Therefore one challenge of the 
research within the Stuttgart University project NEXUS is the 
provision of such an open platform — the NEXUS system. This 
system relies on a model-based concept, called the NEXUS 
Augmented World Model (AWM) (Nicklas et al., 2001). The 
AWM is the base for the NEXUS system’s extensibility and 
flexibility and it forms the interface to the applications. As it is 
an open platform also existing data sources like the WWW shall 
be integrated. This may lead to a great heterogeneity in the data. 
In NEXUS a federation approach is used to handle that 
heterogeneity, see Fig. 1. 
A closer view to the object oriented AWM shows its basic idea: 
federation of information and representation of the real world 
(buildings, streets, cars,...). As example one representation of 
the real world could be a detailed 3D city model. For interaction 
with the AWM and the use of NEXUS services the architecture 
provides also an interface for sensor integration. Here different 
positioning sensors can be plugged in to provide the necessary 
position and orientation information to several applications. 
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Augmented World Model 
digital libraries 
Figurel. Architecture of the NEXUS platform 
2.1 Techniques for location sensing 
Position information is the fundamental requirement of location 
aware applications. To provide this information different 
techniques can be used. In principle there are three methods for 
automatic location sensing: triangulation, proximity and scene 
analysis (Hightower &  Borriello, 2001). Triangulation 
techniques use geometric properties of triangles to compute 
object locations. This method is divisible into the subcategories 
of lateration, using distance measurements, and angulation, 
using primarily angle measurements. As example systems like 
GPS or a magnetic compass use triangulation techniques. When 
an object is “near” a known location then this is described with 
proximity. For sensing proximity there are three general 
approaches: (a) Detecting physical contact, (b) monitoring 
wireless cellular access points and (d) observing automatic ID 
A further method for location sensing is the scene analysis 
technique. Here features of an observed scene are used to 
conclude to the location of the observer or to the location of 
objects within the scene. Usually the observed scenes are 
simplified to obtain features that are easy to represent and 
The position and orientation of a user are basic information to 
provide high quality location based services. Azuma (Azuma et 
al., 1999) evaluated that all tracking systems lack accuracy or 
robustness. This leads to his conclusion that only a combination 
of different technologies, which he call a hybrid tracking 
system, should be used. Several systems are using GPS and 
additional devices to track the orientation. But often the existing 
approaches are not accurate enough for the overlay of a 
reconstruction of real world objects or they cannot be applied to 
persons walking in a city without the requirement of fixed 
positions where they should stand to receive information. The 
Touring machine of Columbia University in New York is one of 
the most well known information systems (Julier et al., 2000). It 
broadcasts information about names of. the buildings, so 
positioning and orientation accuracy are not the most important 
conditions. To provide information about more specific 
building features the requirements on position and orientation 
accuracy are higher. The use of image processing techniques is 
a method to improve results. Beveridge (Beveridge et al., 1996) 
and Behringer (Behringer, 1999) used horizon shapes extracted 
from a visual scene to look up the observer's location from a 
prebuilt dataset. In You (You et al., 1999) an augmented reality 
system is described which tries to correct drift errors of a 
gyroscope and errors of the compass using images collected by 
an additional camera. 
Pedestrians usually use viewpoint information and landmarks 
(e.g. buildings) to locate themselves in a familiar environment. 
To facilitate the same in an unfamiliar environment an 
automation of this process should be provided by combining the 
model of the environment and surrounding objects (landmarks). 
In the research project NEXUS a model of the real world exists — 
the Augmented World Model. This model contains various 
information as well as a 3D representation of real world objects 
(e.g. buildings). On that condition we are able to integrate 
divers sensors and operations on these data to support 
pedestrian orientation and navigation. 
2.2 Orientation and navigation using scene analysis 
In the last years the availability of low-cost imaging devices 
increased. The combination of mobile computational 
capabilities, imaging capabilities, positioning devices and 
network access opens a door for novel applications. As example 
Augmented Reality applications in urban regions are useful to 
assist users and to interact with the model of the environment. 
Especially in NEXUS where a model of the environment exists 
information about objects can be provided by identifying them. 
In order to allow information access or to use objects as 
landmarks for navigation, the link between the Augmented 
World Model and the observed environment has to be 
generated. As we concentrate on image information this leads to 
an approach which tries to overlay the model and the 
corresponding primitives in the real world. Similar approaches 
often use a database where manually geo-referenced sequential 
images are registered. Then through the registered image the 
landmark lines are transferred on the other unregistered images

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