Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

stanbul 2004 
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Ó. Balkanay 
Middle East Technical University; Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences; 
Geodetic and Geographic Information Technologies; 06531, Ankara, Turkey 
KEY WORDS: Urban, Cultural Heritage, GIS, History, Human Settlement, Decision Support 
New buildings in the historic places always constitute problems from past till now. Modern architecture is important for the 
continuation of historic and cultural values in historic places that carry out different potentials. Technologic improvements and also 
changes in the quality of life yield the unavoidable change in physical space, by means of architectural and urban space within all 
scales. In this study it is intended to investigate the built-up urban areas with in historic settlements, to detect the change of the urban 
pattern in time, to find out the ratio changes between the historic buildings and non-historic buildings and to determine the kinds of 
analysis that could be performed to understand and find out the characteristics of the pattern which would give a perspective to 
planning and design by using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). 
Historic places, lead the urban built-up space; to gain identity, 
to be original beyond others and they add value to built-up 
space. In addition to those features; they have to be preserved 
because of their cultural, emotional and usage reasons (Zeren; 
Conservation of historic urban space is always a subject of 
argument from past till now in every culture. New 
developments in technology and changes in life-style, results in 
new add ups in historic buildings or construction of new 
buildings in empty lots of historic fabric (Batty et al., 1998.). 
This brought out the unavoidable outcome of changing and 
estranging from the original form of the historic pattern. More 
or less the metamorphosis of the original historic urban pattern 
yields it to be problematic against constituting sustainable 
politics of conservation (Agarwal; 2000). Determining the main 
planning decisions like; land-usage, balance of the population 
density and transportation routing in a sensitive urban space 
which accommodate historic and cultural value naturally appear 
as an urban problem (Balkanay O; 2003). Developing a 
functional approach to solve the defined problem can only be 
possible by analyzing the value and potential of he place 
accurately. At this point of view; this study proposes a new 
methodology in order to develop Decision Making Systems 
(DMS) for creating planning and design strategies and to 
provide sketches for supporting stages of planning and design 
(Malezewski, 1998). 
Data processing and spatial analysis, together with modern 
decision analysis techniques were used in this study to 
Investigate the built-up urban areas within historic settlements, 
to detect the change of the urban pattern and to find out the ratio 
changes between the historic buildings and non-historic 
buildings in time. 
Both empirical evaluation models and models based on expert 
knowledge can be applied in this approach. The categories that 
represent the characteristics of the buildings were described as 
map layers within GIS so that each map layer represents one 
criterion. GIS was used as the platform in managing combining 
and displaying the criterion data and also as a tool for producing 
new data (William et al., 1995). 
Criterion standardization, weighting and combining were 
accomplished by means of multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) 
methods; the theoretical background is based on the multi- 
attribute utility theory (MAUT) (Glenn et al., 1993). 
The historic potential of the districts and the change in this 
potential were obtained in order to estimate the development 
direction and tendency, to find out the physical value of the 
urban historic pattern, to expose the change characteristics of 
the pattern and to determine the planning priority between 
Thus the distribution of the similar and dissimilar districts and 
their relation in space can be an important criterion for planning 
and design. In this concept, Historic Peninsula and Beyoglu 
which constitute the historic core of Istanbul are selected as the 
case study. 
The method is illustrated by a case study in Istanbul which 
accommodates hundreds of different civilizations from past till 
now and connects two continents and countless cultures. In this 
concept, Historic Peninsula and Beyoglu which constitute the 
historic core of Istanbul are selected as the case study districts 
for having unique morphological structure and natural pattern 
with cultural. social, economic, visual and monumental values; 
for 3000 years. 
The criterion which affects the scope and detail of the study is 
the data itself. The variety of the analysis changes with respect 
to the data's content and detail. In this study two types of data 
are considered; geographic data and non-geographic data. The 
geographic data contains digital maps of roads, buildings, 
boundaries of city, district and neighborhoods etc.  Non- 
geographic data is the study of "Building Census" which is 
completed by “Turkey State Statistics Institute” (SSI) in the 

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