Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
having historic value to the total number of buildings should be 
evaluated together with the total area covered by historic 
buildngs in the neighborhood. Consequently this analysis 
yields the density of the historic buildings within the 
The resulting map indicates total construction area and it is 
obvious that there is no density of historic buildings in south 
western and northern parts of Beyoglu district and southern 
coastal part of Historic Peninsula. 
3.3. Ratio Between Historic and Non-Historic Building Floor 
Through out this analysis it is intended to calculate the 
construction area of historic buildings within total construction 
area. The ratio between total construction area of historic and 
non-historic buildings are evaluated. 
As in the previous analysis; buildings with historic value in a 
neighborhood may exceed in number; when it is evaluated 
according to the total construction area, it may indicate the 
opposite situation. Under those circumstances it can be 
mentioned that; historic buildings could rather have minimal 
architecture context and lower mass, volume and size compared 
with other buildings. Consequently this indicates non-historic 
buildings have a crushing effect on historic buildings by means 
of volume and size. 
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Figure 4. Ratio Between Historic and Non-Historic Building 
Floor Areas 
Change of construction area ratios between historic and non- 
historic buildings, and the geographic references of that change 
may have importance while developing conservation plans. 
In Beyoglu district it & observed that, neighborhoods located 
alongIstiklal Street have high amounts of construction areas of 
historic buildings. In historic Peninsula only the coastal areas 
facing Beyoglu district have considerable results. 
34. Change in the Build-up Space 
The analysis of change in the build-up space introduces; the 
amount of change in a fixed period of time. Moreover 
geographical correlations between the areas that are subjected to 
Same amount of change are determined. Also it indicates the 
areas that have minimum amount of change which preserve 
their original historic urban pattern. 
The change of build-up space by joining, growing and 
increasing with new buildings; means the loss of the historic 
value or it means that build-up space with historic value 
surrounded and sieged by  non-historic urban pattern. 
Understand and investigate the dimensions of that change, gives 
planners and decision makers a new sight to develop 
conservation and rehabilitation plans. 
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Figure 5. Change in the Build-up Space 
In Beyoglu district it could be easily observed that the northern 
part of the district completely changed and lost their original 
historic pattern. Furthermore in Historic Peninsula 
neighborhoods with low values observed in previous analyses 
have a tremendous increase. 
Modeling the change of the build-up space in time; give us the 
opportunity to gain information about the study area. The 
passed era's development rate, speed and intensity could give us 
a way to estimate the future development pattern. 
This analysis introduces the amount of change; it is not 
surprising that the resulting map is just the opposite with the 
percentage of the historic buildings. This situation yields us to 
understand that the change degree is minimum in the 
neighborhoods having dense historic pattern. Thus; especially 
after the year 1959, neighborhoods without historic pattern had 
a dense and rapid change with heavy structural attempts. 
Figure 6. Build-up Situation of Beyoglu in 1929 and 2000. 
When the build-up situation in year 1929 is compared with 
2000; it can be easily seen that in Beyoglu district the density of 
the southern neighborhoods did not increase and densely 
historic buildings take place. And in the year 1929, at the 
northern parts of Beyoglu, almost no buildings observed but, in 
the year 2000 those places filled with buildings. 

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