Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
and elevation assessment and is implemented along the lidar 
profile in two opposite directions. A local linear regression 
along the lidar profile is then followed to further remove 
possible non-ground points remained from the labeling process. 
Tests over three urban areas with different complexity show 
that over 96% of the lidar points can be correctly labeled. For 
the details and the performance of the proposed approach we 
refer to (Shan and Sampath, 2004). In the following studies, we 
will use the building point clouds separated from this step. 
Each of the lidar points that have been labeled as belonging to 
building class through the previous step can only belong to one 
single building. That is, there is a one-to-many correspondence 
between the buildings and the 3D points, with each building 
having many points and each point belonging to one particular 
building. The Segmentation process assigns each point to a 
unique building. A 3-D region growing algorithm, which starts 
from a single point and successively collects points belonging 
to the same building, is presented. This algorithm consists of 
the following steps: 
1) Start from a building point P ; 
Centre a 3-D window (cube) on the point and collect 
all the points À = [D Pan } that fall within the 
3) Move the window to PD 
4) Collect the points that fall within the window and 
store them in a temporary set, say temp- 
Points- {th 2 in : tP. Y. 
5) Move to point R and place the window over it. Ap- 
pend the newly collected set of points to the variable 
tempPoints, and in the process making sure that no 
two points are the same. 
6) Continue the process till the window has been placed 
over all the points PP 3 ES 
7) Merge points in A and points in tempPoints and store 
them in B. ie. B= {BU AUtempPoints}. Ini- 
tially B is a null set. 
8) Replace points in A with points in tempPoints such 
that the newly populated set 4 is equivalent 
to {AUtempPoints}. 
9) Go back to step 3. 
10) Stop when no new points are added to the set B. 
In this way, the points in the building class are further seg- 
mented into points belonging to individual buildings. The pro- 
posed segmentation approach does not require any special data 
structure. The initial input into the algorithm is a 3-D point 
cloud, which is basically a set of X, Y and Z coordinates. Also, 
the number of searches progressively reduces as more and more 
points are assigned. Figure 1 shows a portion of the segmenta- 
tion results over the test area, where different segmented build- 
ings are color coded. 
Once each point has been mapped to a particular building, the 
next step is to determine the footprint of the building. In this 
section and the next, we explain a series of steps to 
parameterize the edges of the segmented buildings as a series of 
orthogonal straight lines. We call this step “regularizing”. Our 
assumption here is that most buildings have only two mutually 
perpendicular, dominant directions. In Figure 2, we 
demonstrate the first step in regularizing the footprints, where 
we determine points that belong to the outer boundary of the 
building. In the second step, parametric lines are drawn to 
represent the boundary edges of the building. 
A convex hull algorithm, for a given set of points, determines 
the smallest convex set containing the points. It can be regarded 
as a rubber band wrapped around the set of points. To 
determine the building boundary points, we use a modified 
form of the convex hull algorithm. Figure 2 shows a convex 
hull for the building points. Clearly, it does not represent all the 
boundary points of the building, nor does it bring out the shape 
of the building accurately. The algorithm determines the hull 
points by selecting the left-most point and then successively 
determining those points that make the least angle with the last 
generated convex edge. To accomplish this, the algorithm 
compares the slope of the last edge that is generated with lines 
formed by connecting the current point with all the other 
Figure 2. “ Building points (left), convex hull around the 
points (middle) and the actual boundary points (right) 
To determine the boundary points for a building, we adapted 
this algorithm. The steps are given below: 
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