Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
1) Start from an extreme point that is necessarily a 
boundary point (say P). 
2) Select all points that lie within a threshold distance 
from this point, say Pfs — Ub Dilly he 
threshold distance was the point density of the data- 
3) Determine the slopes of all the line segments that 
connect the current point P, with the set of selected 
points in Pts. 
4) Determine the point D, in Pts which has the least 
angle from the Y-axis. 
5) Move to this point and consider this to be the next 
current point P and determine the slope of the line 
(say L. ) connecting this point with the previous 
6) Select all points that lie within the threshold distance 
from P , determine the point/line segment which 
makes the least angle with line L . Append this point 
to the boundary point set and make this point the 
new P . 
7) Continue till the first selected point is reached. 
The result is shown in Figure 2. Many algorithms that can 
determine the convex hull of a give set of points exist. The 
problem in directly applying the convex hull algorithm is that 
buildings are not necessarily in convex. But, if we restrict the 
search space of the algorithm to a smaller area, given by a 
threshold distance, the algorithm will give us an accurate 
outline of the border points on a building. As can be expected, 
the result of the algorithm depends on the threshold distance 
that is assigned in steps 2 and 6. This distance, in turn, is 
proportional to the point density or the point spacing of the 3D 
point cloud. In most point clouds, the distance between two 
points lying on (or parallel) the X-axis will be different from 
the distance between two adjacent points lying on( or parallel) 
to the Y axis. Therefore the threshold distance mentioned in 
steps 2 and 6 should be adjusted accordingly. The convex hull 
algorithm is implemented as it is a well known algorithm and is 
easy to implement as well as to adapt for our purposes. 
As seen in Figure 2, the above steps give us a set of adjacent 
points lying on the boundary of the building. Assuming that 
most buildings have only two dominant directions that are also 
mutually perpendicular, we can use the points to determine 
these directions, and fit parametric lines that represent the edge 
or the footprint of the building. As can be seen in Figure 2, not 
all line segments that we obtain from lidar data are 
Perpendicular. However, likely longer lines seem to be very 
close to being mutually orthogonal. It is then safe to assume 
that these line segments represent the dominant directions of 
the building. These larger lines represent the basic frame of the 
building footprint. This idea is the basis of our method to 
determine the footprint of a building and a global solution 
based on the least squares criterion is proposed to square the 
building boundary so that the extracted buildings are 
There exists a one-to-many correspondence between boundary 
edges and the boundary points. Each point lies on a single line, 
unless it is a point that lies where two lines intersect. Based on 
the assumptions mentioned above, the first step in regularizing 
a building is to extract the points that lic on the longer edges of 
the building. This is done by sequentially following the 
boundary points, and looking for positions where the slope 
between two consecutive points SE (PP. is different 
frem( p. oa): The set of points is mapped to the line 
segments (/1,/5,../,j Then, the longest set of these lines (e.g., 
dli t) were selected, along with their corresponding 
sets of points, say 
Ap y Pa Do Pob oe (DD uh 
Then, the least squares solution for these lines are determined, 
with the constraint that the slopes of these lines are either equal 
(the lines being parallel), or their product is equal to -1 (in 
which case, the lines are perpendicular). The solutions consist 
of a set of parameters that describe each of the line 
segments 11-44) . In particular, we have the following set 
up for our building squaring problem. For each line segment, 
Ax BN TIO i12. 
| (1) 
where n is the number of line segments, m;is the number of 
points on line segment /. Line segments of a building are 
grouped based on their slopes. Lines that are parallel within a 
given tolerance are sorted as one group with the same slope. 
Let K be the number of parallel line groups, then lines in every 
group should meet the following condition 
——+ M, =0 K= 12... K 
B, (2) 
Ss = s(k)=1,2,...., 7x 
where M; is the slope of parallel line group k, ny is the 
number of lines in the k-/ parallel line group. Similarly, for the 
line groups that are perpendicular, we can write the following 
condition equation 
M,M,+1=0 u, V=1,2,3....,K: u >V. (3) 
The least squares criterion is used to solve the above equation 
systems. The unknowns include all the line segment parameters 
A; and B; (i —1,2,..., n) , and the slope M, (k x 1,2,..., K) of 
parallel line groups. In the current study, only two groups of 
parallel lines, namely horizontal and vertical line segments are 
considered. This leads to only one conditional constraint in 
Equation (3). 
To determine the parametric line segments, a hierarchical 
approach is designed. This approach starts with relatively 
longer line segments detected in the lidar points. In the next 
step, relatively shorter line segments are introduced and their 
parameters are determined based on the slopes of the line 
segments obtained from the previous step, keeping in mind that 
we consider only two possible directions for each line segment. 
Figure 3 shows the determined parametric line segments for the 

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