Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

tanbul 2004 
| coarse ge- 
ited images 
wire frame 
ces are de- 
needed for 
re linked to 
of the ver- 
the camera 
ore, it must 
in space so 
the 3D re- 
gle facade, 
> additional 
methods to 
site where 
een gener- 
ve the wire 
oints in dif- 
ation to cal- 
ordinates of 
ing lines of 
e corners of 
e the poly- 
5; We have 
ime model. 
nly have to 
ding image 
jt the cam- 
self calibra- 
 (e. g. focal 
ledge about 
tion param- 
> computed 
. — simulta- 
/ referred to 
nan, 2000). 
ts are avail- 
he homoge- 
ding image 
d by 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 3: Three different views onto the west facade of Alexiuskapelle. Superimposed on the middle image is the given 
outline polygon of the facade. 
where A is composed from known x; and X;, and p are 
the coefficients of the unknown matrix P written as a vec- 
tor. The solution p is the right null vector of A. Refer to 
(Hartley and Zisserman, 2000) for details. 
An initial solution of P is computed seperately for each 
image. There are some disadvantages to the set of camera 
parameters gained this way. First, parameters that usually 
are constant for all images, like e. g. the principal point, 
are calculated individually and will have slightly different 
results due to noise in the coordinates. Second, as this is 
a linear solution and therefore only linear parameters can 
be estimated. Nonlinear parameters such as radial lens dis- 
tortion can not be computed. Finally, only the algebraic 
error || Ap|| is minimized which in general is not geomet- 
rically meaningful (Hartley and Zisserman, 2000). 
(b) Bundle adjustment To overcome all disadvantages, 
bundle adjustment is a feasible choice. It is based on an 
equation system of nonlinear versions of Eq. 1 where a 
term for radial distortion has been added. Parameters that 
are constant for all images have been included only once. 
The equation system is solved simultaneously for all un- 
known parameters. The geometric error minimized is the 
sum of the squared distances between projected and mea- 
sured points in the images. 
The result of these two steps are a set of camera parame- 
ters — camera calibration as well as pose — that define the 
relationship between the vertices of the coarse model and 
the image points best. 
2.3 Rectification of Image Pairs 
Rectification of image pairs is to transform both images 
such that all epipolar lines are parallel to image scan lines 
and that corresponding epipolar lines have the same y- 
coordinate (Koch, 1997). This is an important preprocess- 
ing step for dense stereo matching because it simplifies 
the search for corresponding pixels along the (normally 
slanted) epipolar lines to a search along the scan lines. 
First the epipoles are projected to infinity. Then the irn- 
ages are rotated such that the epipoles lie in the direction 
of the z-axis. Finally, one of the images is shifted in the 
y-direction so that corresponding lines of the pair coin- 
cide. There are still two degrees of freedom left to improve 
the rectification without destroying its properties: a shear 
along the z-axis and scale factors for both axes. These have 
been exploited such that the coordinates in one of the im- 
ages are closest possible to the original coordinates. 
The rectifying 2D homographies are left multiplied to the 
camera matrices which causes the actual camera calibra- 
tions to change. This must be taken into account when 
computing depth from pixel disparities. 
2.4 Guided Correlation 
Given images in epipolar geometry, the main task is to 
compute a dense disparity map, i.e. a map containing the 
relative distances between corresponding pixels, that de- 
scribes the surface relief. In a later step the disparity map 
will be upgraded to a depth map containing metric units 
instead of pixel units. Corresponding pixel locations are 
found via cross correlation — a local maximum hints at 
a possible match, but repetitive patterns will also deliver 
false hints and in homogeneous regions there are no clear 
maxima. A blind search for maximum correlation only 
does not give satisfactory results. 
2.4.1 Dynamic Programming A dynamic program- 
ming scheme that allows to incorporate some constraints 
to guide the matching has been used (Falkenhagen, 1997). 
The general idea is to define a cost function plus some con- 
straints and to find its global minimum. This is feasible 
whenever all decisions can be broken up into a sequential 
For each scan line, we can put up a two dimensional cost 
matrix where columns and rows correspond to pixel posi- 
tions and disparity values respectively (see Fig. 7). The se- 
quential scheme is implemented by filling in the costs 

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