Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

nbul 2004 
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Figure 5: Two artificial views onto the west facade of Alex- 
iuskapelle with flat surface model. See text for explanation 
of details: (a) sky, (b) statue, (c) shadow. 
in a set of elevation grids which can be combined into 
one final elevation grid by means of planar homographies. 
Depths that belong to the same zy-position will be over- 
layed by these transforms. Some robustness is gained in 
this way, because each depth has been calculated indepen- 
dently — with respect to errors of the guided matching — 
and the final depth is computed as an average or median 
2.6 Texturing the Relief 
Similar to the depth, the appropriate color is taken from 
one input image from the respective location. In principle, 
color could be taken from all images but then it has to be 
solved which pixels are adequate. The final result is a reg- 
ular 2D raster where each cell contains a depth value and 
an associated surface color. 
Test Data Tests have been carried out on test data of a 
chapel (west facade of Alexiuskapelle, Ettlingen). A video 
sequence had been taken using a SONY DCR VX-2000 
handheld video camera while walking along the pavement 
across from the chapel. The camera had been pointed to- 
wards the facade so that the images are all slightly con- 
vergent. The image format is standard video resolution of 
720x576 with the camera held sideways and the zoom set 
to the minimum focal length of about 6 mm (1/3" CCD) 
in order to fit best to the dimensions of the facade. From 
the whole sequence, three images — each about 100 frames 
apart — have been selected for processing (see Fig. 3). 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 6: The same two views as in Fig. 5 but this time with 
recovered relief taken into account. 
Camera Calibration Because the camera is a standard 
consumer product originally not intended for measurement 
purposes, its inner parameters were unknown and had to 
be determined by means of self-calibration. Control points 
have been chosen manually to eliminate possible outliers 
that could reduce the quality of the reference frame. The re- 
sults of the bundle adjustment for the inner parameters are 
given in Tab. 1. 
Along with the inner parameters of the camera, a metric 
reference frame for all points has been computed. An ab- 
solute scale has been introduced by setting the width of the 
fassade to 6 m. The 3D-coordinates of the control points 
have got a standard deviation of 14 cm. 
Rectification and relief recovery An example for a rec- 
tified image pair is given in Fig. 4. One can verify that 
corresponding points indeed lie on the same image row. 
Two different models have been generated according to 
the processing chain as described in the previous sections. 
The one in Fig. 5 assumes a flat surface whereas the other 
is shown with the recovered relief (Fig. 6). In order to 
demonstrate the differences, both models are shown from 
the same two artificial viewpoints. 
On first impression, the quality of the flat model looks bet- 
ter because straight lines look much smoother than in the 
relief model. This is due to geometrical errors of the relief. 
Because the resolution of the video camera is low copared

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