Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Thanks for the supporting from Natural Science Fund of P. R. 
China (No. 40171081). Thanks Jacek Grodecki and Gene Dial 
of SPACEIMAGE for supporting the IKONOS data and 
[1] Grodecki, J., 2001. Ikonos stereo feature extraction-RPC approach. 
Proc. ASPRS Annual Conference, St. Louis, 23-27 April. 7 (on 
[2] Grodecki, J., Dial, G., 2003. Block adjustment of high-resolution 
satellite images described by rational functions. Photogrammetric 
Engineering and Remote Sensing 69 (1), 59-68. 
[3] Fraser, C.S., Hanley, H.B., Yamakawa, T., 2002a. 3D positioning 
accuracy of Ikonos imagery, Photogrammetric Record 17 (99), 
[4] Fraser, C.S., Hanley, H.B., Yamakawa, T., 2002b, High-precision 
geopositioning from Ikonos satellite imagery, Proceedings ASPRS 
Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 22-26 May. 9 (on CDROM). 
[5] Fraser, C.S., Baltsavias, E., Gruen, A., 2002c. Processing of Ikonos 
imagery for submeter 3D positioning and building extraction. 
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 56 (3), 
[6] Jianqing Zhang, Shunyi Zheng, Yong Zhang, 2003, DTM modelling 
from remote sensing image with high resolution. Third 
International Symposium on Multi-spectral Image Processing and 
Pattern Recognition, Beijing, 20-22 October. 
[7] Zhang J., Zhang Z., 2002, Strict Geometric Model Based on Affine 
Transformation for Remote Sensing Image with High Resolution: : 
Int. Archives of ISPRS, Vol. XXXIV, Part 3B, Comm. III. 
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(a) 86 GCPs (b) 20 GCPs 
Figure 3: The location of GCPs with the first test block. The block has 15 IKONOS images in three orbits. There are 86 
GCPs in all. The block adiustment has been tested for all the 86 GCPs, 20 GCPs and 8 GCPs three cases respectively. 
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