Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
The first step in a building extraction system is the detection of 
buildings in the scene. In this work, buildings are detected by 
projecting ground plans to image data. For this purpose, the 
third dimension (height) of the ground plans is interpolated in 
the height data. 
Having buildings detected in the scene, the reconstruction part 
is based on finding parametric forms of the model planar faces. 
These planar faces are then intersected and. resulting plane 
patches are assembled together to form a generic polyhedral 
model. Roof planes are reconstructed by fusion of image and 
height data through a split-and-merge process. This process 
starts with segmenting the image data within the localized areas. 
Height points from the DSM are projected to extracted image 
regions and a robust regression method is employed to fit planar 
faces to height points belonging to each image region. Regions 
in which more than a single plane is detected are split and 
neighbouring regions whose planes are coplanar are merged. 
Vegetation regions are identified and discarded by computing 
an NDVI measure derived from red and infrared channels. 
Every planar face is attributed based on its slope and height 
over the DTM. A planar face is attributed as non-roof if its 
height over the DTM is smaller than a minimum tolerance; 
‘otherwise it is attributed as flat roof if its largest slope is smaller 
than a slope threshold or as slanted roof if the largest slope is 
larger than the slope threshold. 
Wall faces are obtained by reconstructing a vertical wall over 
every line segment of the 2D ground plan. The average terrain 
height, derived from DTM, defines the planar surface that lies 
beneath the building. After the parametric forms of all planar 
faces of the building are computed, every three planar faces are 
intersected and the resulting vertex is verified to make sure it is 
a correct model vertex. Verified vertices of each planar face are 
sorted in order to form a planar patch. Planar patches form the. 
final generic polyhedral model that can be visualized using a 
graphical engine. 
The basic assumption in this approach is that buildings are 
formed by planar faces and that walls are vertical. In addition, 
building roofs are assumed to be one of the following three 
types: flat roof, gable roof and hipped roof. In other words this 
approach aims for reconstructing simple building types using a 
boundary-representation (B-Rep) modelling X scheme. 
Nevertheless, more complex buildings such as buildings with 
cross-gabled roofs can still be reconstructed by adopting a 
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) modelling scheme. In this 
way, similar to the method developed by Suveg and Vosselman 
(2004), the 2D ground plan is first partitioned into rectangular 
parts where each part is reconstructed using the plane patch 
reconstruction method described above. These building parts are 
then combined together to form the final generic model. 
Buildings are localized in the image using ground plans and 
height data. A split-and-merge process is applied to fuse image 
and height data in the localized areas and derive the parametric 
forms of roof planes. Walls are reconstructed by finding the 
parametric forms of vertical planes built on the ground plan. 
Iw following sections describe the above processes in more 
3.1 Localization of buildings using ground plans and height 
A 2D ground plan is usually stored as a polygon with an array 
of corner points with X and Y coordinates in the world 
coordinate system. The footprint of each building is localized in 
the image by interpolating the height of every corner point of 
the ground plan in DTM and projecting the resulting 3D corner 
points to the image. Interpolation of heights in DSM with the 
same procedure helps to find roof boundaries of the building in 
the image assuming that walls are vertical and there is no eave 
overshooting. Concatenation of these two polygons (footprint 
and roof boundary) defines the actual area where the building 
appears in the image. 
3.2 Reconstruction of roof planes using image and height 
Reconstruction of roof planes is based on image regions 
extracted in areas where building candidates are detected. 
Extraction of image regions is carried out using watershed 
segmentation algorithm (Vincent and Soille, 1991). Extended 
minima transform (Soille, 1999) is employed to control 
excessive oversegmentation. 
While a desirable segmentation is a partitioning of the image 
into regions where each region corresponds to a single planar 
face in object space, segmentation algorithms often result in 
undergrown and/or overgrown regions. The purpose of the split- 
and-merge process is to refine the result of initial segmentation 
by making use of clues derived from the DSM. For this purpose, 
height points are projected from DSM to extracted image 
regions and a robust regression method is used to fit planar 
faces to height points belonging to each image region. This 
method is based on random selection of a finite set of samples 
from data (trial estimates) (Fischler and Bolles, 1981). Least 
median of squared residuals (Rousseeuw and Leroy, 1987) is 
used to find the best sample and also outlier points. Each sample 
contains three data points randomly selected from the DSM. 
These points define a plane. For other points a residual value is 
calculated as to how they fit into this plane. The sample with the 
least median of squared residuals is selected for outlier 
detection. Outliers are detected as points with residuals larger 
. than a predefined tolerance and are treated as a new dataset to 
determine whether they fit into a new plane. The plane fitting 
process is iterated until no more planes can be fitted to data 
After planar faces are detected in each image region, the 
segmented image is searched for regions in which more than 
one plane is detected. Those regions are overgrown regions; 
hence, they are split into two or more regions depending on the 
number of detected planes. To detect and merge undergrown 
regions, first a region adjacency graph is constructed by 
tracking region boundaries in the segmented image. Plane 
parameters of every two neighbouring regions enter a 
coplanarity check and the two neighbouring regions are merged 
if their associated planes are coplanar. 
An example of the performance of the split-and-merge process 
is demonstrates in figure 1. As can be seen in figure 1(B), the 
initial segmentation results in an overgrown and an undergrown 
region in the right part of the roof. The result of the split-and- 
merge process is shown in figure 1(C) where the overgrown 
region is split and two undergrown regions are merged to form a 
correct roof region. 

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