Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
x=A,/A y=A,/A =A JA 
where : 
[^m k, a, (8) 
A =a, & ow, 
nn Fa d. 
d a M 
A mi dac da ks 
4 05 £5, 
Every three planar faces of the model are intersected and the 
intersection point, if there is one, is stored as a vertex for each 
of the three faces. 
42 Verification of vertices 
Intersection of model faces may generate incorrect vertices. 
Figure 2(B) shows an example of an incorrect vertex generated 
from the intersection of three model faces. All generated 
vertices, therefore, have to be verified, in order to identify and 
remove incorrect ones. To identify incorrect vertices, two 
constraints are used as follows: 
o Constraint 1: A valid vertex lies either in or under any roof 
Recall that each building part is assumed to have one of the 
three presumed roof types: flat, gable and hipped. For these 
building types, all model vertices lie either in or under any roof 
plane. This property allows us to verify model vertices and 
identify invalid ones. The verification is carried out by 
evaluating the function of the roof plane with the coordinates of 
the vertex of interest. This will result in Zero if the vertex lies in 
the roof plane, otherwise the sign of the resulting value and the 
direction of the plane normal vector determines whether the 
vertex point is above or under the roof plane. Every vertex is 
verified against all roof planes and is removed if it is higher 
than any of roof planes. 
Figure 2: Intersection of model faces may generate 
incorrect vertices. A. A correct vertex; B. An 
incorrect vertex. 
Constraint 2: A valid vertex projects on or inside the 
polygon of the ground plan. 
This constraint is based on the assumption that roof caves do 
not overshoot walls. Figure 3 illustrates the procedure to verify 
whether a test point is on or inside a polygon. First vectors are 
formed from the test point to every polygon vertex and then 
cross product of every two adjacent vectors are computed. The 
test point is determined inside the polygon, if all computed 
cross products are non-zero and have the same sign. Otherwise 
if cross products are non-zero with different signs, the test point 
is outside the polygon. If any of the cross products is zero then 
the test point is determined to fall on a polygon side or on the 
extension of a polygon side. The distinction between the two 
cases is made by checking the dot product of the corresponding 
two vectors (which have a zero cross product). For a point on a 
side of the polygon, one of the cross products is zero and the 
corresponding dot product is negative, while for a point on the 
extension of the polygon side the dot product is positive (figure 
1 1 “p 1 1 
A B C D 
7 P. A B C D 
Pl, xb PX POI XE PR 
P] m + : 2 : + + 
P2 P3 + + 0 * 0 - 
ps PA + + + + + + 
ps Pl + + + * v 
x _: Cross Product 
O : Dot Product 
Figure 3: Four possible positions of a point with respect to a 
polygon. A. Point inside the polygon: all cross 
products are non-zero and have the same sign; B. 
Point outside the polygon: cross products are non- 
zero but have different signs; C. Point on the 
extension of a polygon side: a zeros cross product 
with a positive dot product of the corresponding 
vectors; D. Point on the polygon side: a zero cross 
product but the dot product of the corresponding 
vectors is negative. 
A correct vertex is one that satisfies both constraints. An 
incorrect vertex will fail to satisfy one or both constraints and 
will be removed from corresponding planar faces. 
4.3 Sorting of vertices 
For graphical visualization of the reconstructed model, vertices 
of each planar face must be given in order. To sort vertices a 
simple algorithm is used, which is based on forming vectors 
from the centre of gravity of vertices to each vertex and finding 
the angle between each vector and a starting vector (figure 4). 
The angle between vectors jj and y is given by the dot 
cos(&) = 17] (9) 
Since cosine function returns the same value for xa, the sign of 
the cross product between the two vectors is used to determine 
the direction of the angle. The algorithm starts with an arbitrary 
vertex and sorts other vertices with respect to the angle of their

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