Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
compatibility enables to use VMAP L-1 for JOG production. 
JOGs are used as a basic data source for other air and 
topographic maps at smaller scales. 
The third edition of JOG series are produced by means of 
database — driven cartographic visualization = methods. 
Visualization based on database driven cartography allows not 
only produce to different types of cartographic products, but 
also maintains consistency of data within database. 
Visualization is done in a semi-automated manner such that; 
e some of the processes are done by computer, 
e some are firstly done by computer than edited by 
e some are done interactively by cartographers. 
Because of diversity of information on JOGs, the cartographers 
in JOG production are trained on aeronautical cartography. The 
training is provided by Mobile Training Team of Defence 
Mapping School of NGA. Computer skills of cartographers on 
the software for map production work flow are enhanced several 
times before and during the period of process. 
2.4 Digital Terrain Model and Digital Cartographic Model 
for JOG 
Digital Landscape Model (DLM) consists of data model, data 
dictionary, rules, condition, constraints and relationships (Kraak 
and Ormeling 1996). DLM is a subset of conceptual schema of 
VMAP L-1 database. However, this schema is extended with 
necessary dimensions (attributes) for the need of cartographic 
visualization. In addition to extended VMAP L-1 database, 
aeronautical information, magnetic and normal magnetic 
models, digital depth model of the seas surrounding Turkey and 
Populated Places Database of Turkey (PPDB_T) are the data 
content supporting JOG. 
Data dictionary and rules for data collection are strictly defined 
in MIL-J-80100 (DMA) of NGA (NGA 1995-2). The feature 
classes and features are coded by means of DIGEST FACC of 
The content, accuracy, density and symbolization rules of 
spatial/non-spatial data are defined in Digital Cartographic 
Model (DCM) (Kraak and Ormeling 1996). DCM is 
implemented in the conceptual model of extended VMAP LI 
database for visualizing JOG. The rules and knowledge are 
stored in a logical model of extended VMAP LI database. The 
DCM is constructed by combination of former editions of JOGs 
by GCM, JOG specifications by GCM and NGA, STANAGs, 
symbolization rules and rules defined in ESRI PLTS/MPS. 
Previous editions of JOGs, JOG specifications and STANAGs 
are used for generating and compiling surrounding information 
and graphics (NGA 1995-2, NGA 1995-3, STANAG-3675 
There are two main approaches to construct spatial databases 
for cartographic visualization. First one is preparing a database 
for cartographic use only. The database is transferred into a 
visual model by means of batch or manual editing processes and 
adding cartographic features prepared for certain type of maps. 
The second approach enables the user to generate multiple 
views of the database based on a DCM. This method is more 
generic and flexible providing definition of map composition, 
colours, symbols, representation rules, sequence of processes 
etc (Frye, C. et.al, 2003). Integrity and visualization rules of 
DCM are introduced in rule-bases. And, constraints are 
modelled as processes in the software. Definitions expressed in 
knowledge base are utilized as a process during implementation. 
All the map elements except data frame (basemap) are 
encapsulated in data and map processing functions. Map 
elements are located due to product type (air/ground) and size 
of graphic elements created based on information for each map. 
Therefore, the user doesn't need to re-arrange them. The tools 
and models customized and extended MPS software are 
employed producing cartographic visualization of VMAP LI 
However, the DCM of the software used is based on FACS of 
NGA. The database schema is extended for cartographic 
visualization with necessary attributes. These attribute values 
are calculated and populated as a function of other attribute 
values in the same feature class for visualization model. 
Visualization of VMAP database is done by enriching the 
visualization model of ESRI PLTS/MPS in two ways: first 
customizing the open source tools for the needs and national 
mapping requirements in the frame of NATO STANAGs; 
second, generating new tools and methods. The visualization 
system, analogue map production workflow, data content, 
visualization model and brief explanation of implementation are 
expressed in this chapter. 
3.1 Workflow of JOG Production 
Digital JOG production workflow from VMAP L-1 database is 
given in Figure 1. Firstly, data with extent of a sheet are cut and 
extracted from VMAP L-1 data library. Errors due to cut are 
corrected and data is transformed into UTM projection from 
geographic coordinates. Then, descriptive information of the 
sheet such as name of the sheet, country, vertical unit, 
producing company, copyright etc. are defined for a project 
Sheet Definition 
Generalization- Surrounding 
| Editing- elements 
Visual integration 
of shaded relief et 
; : Editing 
elevation tints and 
; (OK) 
Map compilation 
Figure 1. Workflow for Analogue 
JOG production 

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