Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Table 2. Compare to Results of Non-Point pollution load estimation by Kyungancheon (unit : ton) 
Load Unit Method Basin Flow Model by GIS Based 
Estimate of Using Land Band Cover M: 
Water Quality AnnAGNPS STORM Pollution Load | Cover Map & and«-ov en ap 
Items Model Model In Ministry of (Ministry of Land Cover Map 
; VM Environment (The others) 
Kyungancheon | Environment's 80 - ^90) 
Basin Load Unit 
BOD 946 876 1,784 2,152 985-1,724 1,290 
T-N 5,983 1,639 1,624 878 879-1092 1,168 
T-P 11 1,237 138 80 164-241 265 
2) Result and Investigation 
The result of comparing AnnAGNPS model result and 
STORM model result wiih in this study's result are shown in 
Table 2. 
bmx MA 
2 2482 1B Be 
Au qu ZA 0 2 JA oi 4» z2 oj [8 X 
ni dd M ZEMNMN Soon E 
2 ja 16 OX À 12 A 12 
3 cédès 
10 0 10 20 Kilometers 
19 0 10 28 Kilometers 
Fig. 4. Reclassified 5 Categories with Level2 Land 
Cover Map 
If analyze land cover map and result that inflect 
Ministry of Environment's load unit, T-N, T-P displayed a 
little small but consistent result than other method. The reason 
that T-N, T-P was a little shown caused by applying load unit 
after land cover classification items revising into 5 
categories(Fig. 3, 4). 
GIS base basin of attraction outward flow model used soil 
map, rainfall data to reference data as that use Ministry of 
Environment land cover map in '80-'90's and any other 
engine's land cover map. Load unit is expected that difference 
can happen a little with actuality of our country because it is 
American data (LTHIA/NPS). 
Method by GIS base basin of attraction outward flow model 
is considered that accuracy of land cover data is high becausc 
fairly consistent result is deduced when compared result that 
use Ministry of Environment land cover map and result that use 
the other official land cover map. 
4. Conclusions 
Land use and Land cover are defining as other concept in the 
United States of America and Europe, and then practical use of 
land cover map is emphasized in environment. 
Also, Comparing the load unit method and the GIS base 
basin of attraction outward flow model using land cover map 
with non-point source of pollution model that verified 
already. As a result could know thing which of land cover map 
is high in case of estimating non-point pollution load, because 
fairly consistent result was deduced., 
Exclude subjectivity in non-point pollution load estimation 
and to get consistent result, data requirement is minimum and 
method that can exclude manual processing is suitable. 
In these side land cover map as a quantitative and a digitizing 
basic data is very useable for non-point source of polluuon 
We thank workers who try in map with heavy efforts. And we 
acknowledge the critical counsel from advisers. Prof. Oh, 
Kyung-Doo of KMA helped us with water quality modeling. 

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