Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
3.1. CPM-PERT Cost and lime Analysis 
PERT cost technique has two major aims. As first it provides 
to make reasonable cost estimations to complete the project 
with minimum cost in shortest time. As second, it helps to 
maintain project planning and its control. Then, PERT cost 
extraction technique, comparing the activities in the project 
according to time and cost, completes them with minimum 
cost in shortest time. The costs used in this method are direct 
Activities and events are shown as those in Figure 4 for any 
project (Biyik and Uzun, 1992). Lengths of the arrows are not 
important, but their direction. They show progress of the 
E, Gy EF, Gi 
Activity name Aj : 
i Y: J 
Activity time t;; 
Tail event End event 
Figure 4. Starting and finishing times of a project in CPM- 
PERT method 
Critical way is accepted as the way that needs longest time, 
which is the time accumulated between starting and finishing 
In CPM technique, five types of time computations are done. 
They are early starting, early finishing, late starting, late 
finishing and free time computation processes. 
Early starting time (Ep) is earliest starting time of an activity 
and the activity waits until the finishing time of previous 
Early finishing time (Ej) is computed adding activity time (t;) 
to early starting time (Ey). 
ERE (1) 
Late starting time (Gy) is computed subtracting activity time 
(t) from late finishing time. 
G, 7 G,- tj (2) 
Late finishing time (G,) is computed going backward from 
finish point in PERT diagram. In some cases, it is possible to 
go to the event point of the same activity by multipath 
starting from end point of the diagram. Here, the shortest 
computed times gives the late finishing time (Uzel, 1986). 
Activities in a project can be divided in two groups as critical 
and uncritical. Uncritical activities are the activities that do 
not change total time of the project if they are finished in 
loose time intervals fount out for them from CPM-PERT 
diagram. Such activities are also called as activities of loose 
In CPM-PERT method, six essential procedures must be 
followed in order for any project planning and its control. 
They are as followings: 
e Determination of project and project activities, 
e Determining how the activities follow one another and 
forming relations between them, 
e Drawing a diagram shown the relations between the 
° Time and cost estimation for every activities, 
e Drawing the critical way on the diagram that has the 
longest time, 
e Carrying out planning, programming and controlling 
procedures by means of the diagram. 
3.2. Estimate Activity Times of PERT 
A distinguishing feature of PERT is its ability to deal with 
uncertainty in activity completion times. For each activity, 
the model usually includes three time estimates 
e Optimistic time (t,) : generally the shortest time in 
which the activity can be completed. It is common 
practice to specify optimistic times to be three 
standard deviations from the mean so that there is 
approximately a 1% chance that the activity will be 
completed within the optimistic time. 
e Most likely time ( t, ) : the completion time having 
the highest probability. Note that this time is 
different from the expected time. 
e  Pessimistic time ( ty ) : the longest time that an 
activity might require. Three standard deviations 
from the mean are commonly used for the 
pessimistic time. 
PERT assumes a beta probability distribution for the time 
estimates. For a beta distribution, the expected time for each 
activity can be approximated using the following weighted 
Expected time ( t, ) 2 (t, * 4t, * t,)/6 (3) 
This expected time may be displayed on the network 
To calculate the variance for each activity completion time, if 
three standard deviation times were selected for the 
optimistic times, then three are six standard deviations 
between them, so the variance is given by: 
Oi 7 (tp—t, y6 
Oe t) 6p (4) 
ROPA y/g 
Gze = standard deviation 
Ou = variance 
R= Standardized deviation 
P, = programmed finishing time 
As the variation t, of the activity rises, the possibility of 
finishing reduces in estimated time. As the difference 
between optimistic time and pessimistic time rises, the 
differences between variation and standard deviation rises as 
Algorithm showing the evaluating and processing of raw 
satellite image which was recorded in GIS is shown in 
Figure 5 ( www.gis.tagem.gov.tr). 
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