Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 16. Photo-realistic view of the surface 
After draping solid modeled buildings are merged with this 
view (Figure 17). 
Figure 17. 3D city model 
Secondly, the 3D cells and colored DTM is used. Primarily 
green cover areas and watery arcas are determined and these 
areas are painted green and blue (Figure 18). 
Figure 18. Colored DTM 
Then, 3D cells are placed and merged with the solid 
buildings. Additionally roads and green covers areas are 
merged with the other files. Finally, two different visualized 
3D city models are generated (see Figure 19,20). 
Figure 20. 3D city model 
4.4 Virtual Reality 
After generation of the 3D city model, it is aimed to submit 
the model to the citizens on internet (Ozmutlu, 2001). Thus, 
VRML is chosen to achieve this purpose (Zlatanova, 2000). 
Therefore, the 3D city model is converted to VRM language. 
MicroStation Software is used for conversion. Finally, the 3D 
city model is published as VRML via web page (sec Figure 
Figure 21. VRML view 
Developments in computer technologies have improved new 
tools, which can be used for administration, planning, 
applications and making things easier in daily life. 
Furthermore these tools are used to increase the quality and 
to save the nature. 

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