Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
e Development and updating of digital 
photogrammetric technologies over professional 
These stages are bound to the conditions in which 
photogrammetry has evolved in our country as we state as 
e The city of Havana accounts for a stock of universal 
photogrammetric equipments from WLID (LEICA) 
with 25 to 30 years of use, which are technologically 
off limit. 
e The universal photogrammetric Russian equipments 
in different parts of the country is obsolete since the 
photo format they use is 18x 18cm. 
e The stock of aerocameras for 23x23cm and 18x18cm 
formats are calibrated. 
e The photogrammetric equipments to carry out 
differential transformation and the stock for 
photomechanical transformation are limited. 
e There is not an advanced analytical aerotriangulation 
Provided this complex reality, the development of the 
automation of photogrammetry and the realization of its main 
objective digital photogrammetry, have faced in almost all the 
provinces what was stated before. 
In the case of analogous systems from WILD (LEICA) they are 
assisted by personal computers, beginning to introduce in this 
way, analogous-digital technologies which conclude in digital 
photogrammetric products following international standards. 
Nevertheless, in our concern, this procedure should not be 
applied to Russian equipments although some enterprises have 
used it in order to take advantage of the available equipments. 
With this technology, the internal and relative orientation 
processes are made in analogue way in the equipment, and the 
external orientation is solved analytically for the model, 
creating a spatial mathematical model of the area to be 
restituted. The restitution is achieved with the conventional 
methods, except that the graphic representation of the elements 
that are being obtained is stored with the geodetic coordinates 
of each vertex and the code of each element. 
With this aim, it was acquired the analogue — digital restitution 
system ECHART which was created by LEICA and that was 
designed to work graphically in exchange with the program 
through Menu selections and dialogue boxes. 
The release stage or outcome is done on the basis of Computing 
Assisted Design CAD that allows enormous possibilities for 
the digital graphic workflow and the association of the design 
with the informative systems. 
In the last 15 years, it has been developed the Digital 
Photogrammetric Systems (DPS), which have been created for 
the research groups of some European Universities that have 
as principal element the Digital Photogrammetric Workstation. 
It requires photogrammetric operations that may be introduced 
in Digital Cartography Systems, CAD Systems, Geographical 
Information Systems (GIS/ LIS). The final version may take the 
shape of vector line maps, digital terrain model (DTM) data, 
digital Ortho-Image, among others. 
The DPW consists on a workstation for the graphic images 
management that has powerful memory and great capacity of 
data lodging including the possibility of stereo- imaging and the 
proper software to support the photogrammetric performance. 
Therefore, it has become an urgent need in GEOCUBA 
enterprises to give priority to digital photogrammetric systems. 
Different technologies have been developed (limited and 
experimentally) assessing this problem. There will be a 
significant change in the near future. 
A few time ago, our country was provided with the technology 
of this kind that consists on up-to-date digital workstations, this 
gives us a leading position in the branch in the area. Also, it 
enables offering leading-edge technology services of high 
quality to costumers with different interests, needs, and 
The digital technology has, among others, the following 
e Dimensional stability of the digital images (no 
environment affecting, no direct handing) and stability in 
the measurement system since it needs calibration. 
e Visualization: There are no  optical- mechanical 
requirements. The images can be visualized and measured 
making use of data collectors with standards devices. 
e Image management: The image can be improved 
(brightness and contrast tracking, among others) to 
optimize its visualization. 
e The digital images can be transferred in a quick and 
simple way through nets. Also it is possible to operate 
with them in the same sequence, on the same photogram. 
e — Automatisms can be done in the different photogrammetric 
processes (EOI/EOE), automatic restitution of land, etc..) 
e The derivative products are also obtained in digital format 
(DIT, Digital Maps, Orthophotos, among others...) 
e Versatility: Images are processed coming from different 
sensors and in different scales. 
e Traditional restitution with automatic guidance of the Z 
In this way it will be necessary to continue deepening in the 
different research studies in the digital stations during these 
years as well as in obtaining advanced software in the field in 
order to invert the situation. The methods for obtaining 
aerodata, with the use of modern cameras with compensation 
imagery and GPS data registering and the use of regular 
satellite imagery should be taken into account since this is a line 
of future development too. 
If we evaluate the automation of photogrammetric processes 
with cartographic purposes in Cuba it could be observed that 
there have been a technological culture in all its development, a 
technical personnel prepared for the activity and equipment 
which have made possible a steady and ongoing development. 

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