Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 3. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the Gokceada 
The DEM was used to create aspect map and a slope map in 
order to use as a layer in GIS. Slope and aspect values of land 
are particularly important, for determining how suitable land is 
for development and what impact development on land is likely 
to have on the environment. A slope of %20 and more and 
aspect of north, north east and north west mean that this part of 
land is not suitable for building. This information can be linked 
to other GIS layers such as slope and aspect to analyse land 
cover categories especially urban & built up class. 
The slope and aspect data were calculated in degrees and were 
attached as the modal slope and aspect to give the dominant 
orientation of the surface within the island. 
Raster data were translated into vector format before it used as 
a layer in a vector GIS. The result of digital satellite image 
classification is a pixel by pixel labeling of the entire image. 
Raster data was pre processed to reduce the large amount of 
data. Before conversion to vector format, the image was 
simplified to reduce the pixel by pixel classification to some 
smaller number of polygons. Raster to vector translation was 
occured for the purpose of presentation and analysis in a GIS 
This paper indicates that how remote sensing and GIS 
techniques are integrated in order to establish land cover 
analyses in the Gokceada Island, Turkey, in the year of 2000. 
GIS techniques have been used to analyse and visualize urban 
planning of Gókceada from the point of the criterias of slope 
and aspect. Map overlaying technique was applied to describe 
the quantitative relationships between urban and built up 
category of land cover classes and slope and aspect criterias. As 
a result, map of the islands showed in figure 3 with the 
threshold for discriminating criteria of two of them, for suitable 
urban planning were produced and interpreted to identify 
problametic areas of the Gôkçeada Island. 
Urban & Bui yp 
ES North (0225257,5-:60) 
Norfineat (225.67.5)) 
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Figure 3. Analysis result of slope, aspect and urban-built up. 
The result of GIS analyses showes that Gôkçeada island is in 
good condition from the point of the view of urban planning. 
The relationship between slope, aspect criteria and urban built- 
up categorie is acceptable. The integration of remote sensing 
and GIS provides an efficient way to detect suitability and to 
evaluate its impact on environment. The digital image 
classification coupled with GIS has demonstrated its ability to 
provide comprehensive information on the nature, rate and 
location of urban planning. 
Within the framework of this study, for the detection of possible 
land cover in Gôkceada using Landsat TM data was realized. 
The results showed that integration of remote sensing and GIS 
was found to be effective in monitoring and analysing land 
cover patterns, and in evaluating urbanization impact for future 
land development project of study areas. The use of GIS in 
combination with image analysis in the application of the 
Gôkçeada will depend on mostly availability and quality of the 
imaging data. However, the issue of class uncertainties in image 
classification has not been examined in this study. Although the 
land-cover maps of the Gokceada Islands have a high overall 
accuracy. Accuracy of different classes varies each others. Due 
to similar reflectance values of Urban and built up class was 
mixed up with the sand and barren land classes. 
Increasing human activities causes some changes on the 
environment of Gokceada Island. Because of these reason, the 
obtained results integrated with the data for effective planning 
of urban area suitable for the development of the island. 
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