Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
2.1 Interpolation LIDAR Data 
The LIDAR data includes ground point data and surface point 
data. The procedure starts from resampling the two sets of 
discrete points from LIDAR data into regular grid as DTM and 
DSM (Briese et al, 2002) respectively. A. TIN-based 
interpolation method is applied to rasterize the LIDAR data 
(Behan, 2000). 
2.2 Space Registration 
Space registration is another preprocessing of data fusion. The 
objective of space registration is to build-up the relationship 
between LIDAR space and image space. We use ground 
control points to build the mathematic model for space 
registration. Hence, the LIDAR data and image data are 
coregistered in the same georeference system. 
The objective of building detection is to extract the building 
regions. There are two steps in our scheme: (1) region-based 
segmentation, and (2) knowledge-based classification. The 
flow chart of building detection is shown in Figure 1. 
LIDAR QuickBird Aerial 
(DSM/DTM)| |Orthoimage| |Orthoimage 
Segmentation Region-based 
Above Elevation Ground 
Ground : 
Non- hh 
: Buildin 
Vegetation 9 
Figure 1. Flow chart of building detection. 
3.1 Region-based Segmentation 
There are two ways to do the segmentation. The first one is the 
contour-based segmentation. It performs the segmentation by 
using edge information. The second one is the region-based 
segmentation. [t uses a region growing technique to merge 
pixels with similar attribute (Lohmann, 2002). We select the 
region-based segmentation because its noise tolerance is better 
than contour-based segmentation. We combine elevation 
attribute from LIDAR data and radiometric attribute from 
orthoimages in the segmentation. The pixels with similar height 
and spectral attribute are merged into a region. 
3.2 knowledge-based classification 
After segmentation, an object-based classification rather than 
pixel-based classification is performed. Each separated region 
after segmentation is a candidate object for classification. A 
knowledge-based classification considering elevation. spectral, 
texture, and shape information is performed to detect the 
building regions (Hofmann, et. al, 2001). The LIDAR data. 
QuickBird multispectral image and aerial image are integrated 
in this stage. A number of characteristics of these data arc 
considered to obtain the knowledge for classification. The 
characteristics are described as follow. 
Elevation: Subtract DTM from DSM, we will get the 
normalized DSM.  (nDSM), which contains the height 
information above ground. It represents the objects rising from 
the ground. Setting an elevation threshold one can separate the 
object above ground and on the ground. The above ground 
surface includes building and vegetation that are higher than the 
elevation threshold. 
Spectral: The spectral information comes from QuickBird 
multispectral images, which contains blue, green, red, and near 
infrared bands. The near infrared band gives the useful spectral 
information for vegctation. A well-known Normalized 
Vegetation Index (NDVI) is used to distinguish vegetation [rom 
non-vegetation areas. 
Texture: Several papers demonstrated that texture information 
is useful for building detection (Zhang, 1999). The texture 
information comes from high spatial resolution aerial images. 
We use the Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) for 
texture analysis. This is a matrix of relative frequencies for 
pixel values occur in two neighboring processing windows, in 
which, we use the entropy and homogeneity to compute the co- 
occurrence probability. The role of texture information is used 
to separate the building and vegetation when the objects have 
similar spectral response. 
Shape: The shape attribute includes area and length-to-width 
ratio. The area attribute can be used to filter those small size 
objects. The length-to-width ratio is suitable to remove the thin 
After extracting building region, each individual building 
region is isolated. Then, we reconstruct the building models for 
individual building regions. The spatial resolution of aerial 
image is better than QuickBird multispectral satellite image. 
Thus, we select aerial image to reconstruct the building models. 
There are four steps in our schemes: (1) 3D planar patch 
formings (2) initial building edge detection, (3) straight line 
extraction, and (4) split-merge-shape method for building 
modeling. The flow chart of building reconstruction is shown 
in Figure 2. 

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