Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
out. The net radiation is estimated from the DSR flux, the 
surface albedo, the DLR and the up-welling long-wave 
radiation flux. The sensible heat flux is retrieved from the LST 
and the air temperature. This method can only be applied for 
clear sky conditions. As the LST is not estimated for cloudy 
pixels, the sensible heat flux and, consequently, the latent heat 
flux cannot be calculated in this way. In that case, it is assumed 
that the Bowen ratio (sensible heat flux versus latent heat flux) 
is constant during the period of cloud cover, so it is the same as 
on the last cloudfree day. 
E] Water 
" Figure 15. 
55 Relative 
ét evapotrans- 
piration from 
BE May 2002 
4.10 Burnt Areas 
Monthly global maps of burnt areas for the period 1998-2003 
have been produced in the frame of the ESA-DUP2 
GLOBCARBON project. The sensors for burn scar detection 
are ERS-2 / ATSR-2, ENVISAT / AATSR, and SPOT / 
VEGETATION. ENVISAT / MERIS is used to add confidence 
to the preliminary results. 
Figure 16. Burn scars detected in Mongolia on 11/5/2000, left: 
ATSR image (RED, NIR, SWIR) and right: burn 
scar map. 
After a fire, two main physical variations can be detected in the 
remote sensing data over a vegetation layer. The first one is the 
strong top of atmosphere reflectance decrease: burnt areas have 
a lower reflectance in the near infrared channel than healthy 
vegetation. The second one is the LST increase that occurs over 
a burnt surface during day time, due to strong solar irradiance 
absorption and to the absence of evapotranspiration that 
normally transfers energy to the atmosphere in form of latent 
heat through water vapour. The presence of ash and carbon 
constitutes a dry layer that does not allow this cooling process, 
Increasing the surface temperature by 7K. 
4.11 Water Bodies 
A method to map and monitor small ponds in arid regions using 
SPOT-VEGETATION 10-daily composites was developed in 
the frame of the GEOSUCCESS project. A small pond can be 
defined as a surface ranging between 1 km and few tens of km? 
of either free water or water with vegetation. Monitoring small 
ponds or water bodies is important for economic activities and 
is of great environmental value. The method was applied for 
arid and semi-arid regions in northern Africa within 
GEOSUCCESS. The aim is to extend these calculations for 
CSP to the total African continent. 
We conclude this paper by reviewing the present scientific 
limitations and the proposed approaches in the science field 
covered by CSP. 
The key challenge today for vegetation and albedo parameters 
is to move from single sensor retrieval approaches to 
multisensor approaches. This is an important step forward in 
order to assure time continuity of retrieved variables, as well as 
to improve parameter accuracy using the spectral, directional, 
time and space synergies between sensors. This trend has been 
accounted for here, since the developments in GEOLAND / 
CSP largely rely on the progress undertaken in the FPS / 
CYCLOPES and ESA / GLOBCARBON projects, for which 
the multisensor aspect has been very important. 
Global fields of downwelling radiation, a key input parameter 
for vegetation functioning, are not yet available. Their retrieval 
in the long wave regime can now be envisaged using sounder 
radiances (i.e. TOVS) complemented with radiative transfer 
models. A  multisensor approach with both polar and 
geostationary sensors has been undertaken in the short-wave. 
This should constitute a significant progress. 
The land surface temperature, which plays a crucial role in the 
surface — atmosphere energy exchange, is difficult to derive due 
to inhomogeneities and rapid change in time. Advanced 
numerical methods in combination with growing storage 
capacities allow progress in this area. The provision of adequate 
ground based measurements for validation purpose remains 
however a challenging task. 
For precipitation the major goal is to improve the satellite 
estimates with bias-corrected gauge data. The latter is needed, 
because of the under-catch of operational rain gauges (on the 
order of 5-30 % on average). Currently no operational global 
daily precipitation product, based on bias-corrected gauge 
analysis, is available. 
The accuracy of global soil moisture products is currently well 
known only on a few regions. The scientific orientation is here 
to reinforce validation activities and to intercompare two 
different retrieval methods, based respectively on active and 
passive microwave sensing. The activities in the passive 
microwave represent an extension of progress made in the FP5 
project ELDAS to the global scale. 
The foreseeable evolution of the science field relevant to CSP is 
to move towards a generalization of multisensor approaches, 
possibly combining optical and microwave techniques. Some 
new parameters, such as vegetation biomass, chlorophyll 
concentration, or vegetation height should become 

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