Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
cosines for an object are computed, there is no need of using 
transcendental functions in subsequent spatial manipulations. 
Instead, calculations are carried out using a vector algebra 
requiring only floating addition, subtraction, multiplication, 
division, and an occasional square root. Such calculations are 
not only very fast but also very stable everywhere on the Earth’s 
surface. On this basis, Gold and Mostafavi [2000] consider to 
take advantage of the dynamic Voronoi data structure for the 
addition and deletion of points and line segments using a small 
set of purely local operations, and for the preservation of the 
adjacency relationships between objects which are fundamental 
to perform queries and updates. 
But in all object-based GDMs, the hierarchy of space is created 
by grouping and organizing spatial objects according to some 
pre-defined relations. In this case, changes are referred to spatial 
objects themselves and hierarchy of spatial object is maintained 
using explicitly defined relations among spatial objects instead 
of recursive decomposition of space. When a spatial process 
results in changes to spatial objects at one particular level, these 
changes cannot be propagated to its adjacent levels [Pang and 
Shi 1998]. Hence, these object-based GDMs are difficult to 
manage large volume of global data and to manipulate 
multi-resolution data efficiently. 
In a field-based data model, object representations are in cells 
(i.e. grids or raster) and spherical surface are tessellated as a 
series of packets or cells. The familiar latitude/longitude 
graticule (or cell) is the most common basis for GDMs in use 
today. In the case of GDMs for storing field data, lines spaced at 
regular latitude and longitude increment form the boundaries of 
area cells. GDMs based on the latitude/longitude graticule have 
numerous practical advantages and have been used to develop 
sound survey sampling designs on the Earth's surface, such as in 
environment monitoring [Olsen ef al. 1998] and climate 
modelling [Thuburn 1997]. These GDMs based on spherical 
grids would not only allow the same structure to be used over a 
wide range of spatial resolutions and efficiently load only 
needed segments [Faust ef al, 2000], but also allow the 
presentation of data at multiple levels and any arbitrary 
resolution and offer several major advantages, such as being 
unique and domain-independent, appropriately indexed or 
linearized grids express spherical surface location in a single 
string, preserving geometrical integrity both locally and globally, 
and making resolution explicit in the length of the string 
[Goodchild and Yang, 1992]. GDMs with hierarchical grids 
properties have been adopted in many contexts, including the 
quadtree indexes used in spatial database [Samet, 1989], global 
environment monitoring [White er a/, 1992], map generalization 
[Dutton 19992, 1999b], and dynamic navigation [Lee and Samet 
2000]. But their major disadvantages are that (1) they are 
familiar to a large community, and (b) lack of an intuitive 
relationship between pairs of codes and proximity [Goodchild 
2000]. These properties may be not very important for 
virtualisation purposes, but would be problematic in 
maintenance an object in this hierarchical data structure may 
exist in the nodes of different branches in the tree structure. If an 
object is removed a little bit (or deletion or insertion), the whole 
data structure may be changed completely. Therefore, these 
field-based GDMs are not good for frequent local updating and 
the consistent topological structure maintenance dynamically 
[Pang and Shi 1998]. 
In order to efficiently store, retrieve and analyse spatial data on 
a global scale, alternatives to current GIS data models are 
urgently needed [Goodchild and Yang 1992]. The new data 
model must be 
e seamless on a global scale 
e efficient for dynamical updating 
e capable of facilitating hierarchical representation and 
e able to retain the topology of the earth's surface either in 
the data model itself, or in the internal coordinate system, 
which allows local modifications and queries. 
Our approach starts with a Quandary Tessellation Mesh (QTM) 
based on the inscribed octahedron, which is used to set up the 
concept data model of spatial objects. Then, a new hierarchical 
data structure is constructed by two types of nodes, one is 
‘O Node’ for a powerful hierarchical organizing of 
multi-resolutions data and the other is ‘/_Node’ for index 
mechanism to retrieve local data in a limited viewing window 
efficiently. Meanwhile, the Voronoi diagram based on 
triangular-grids between objects at a given level will be 
dynamically generalized to preserve adjacency relationships, 
which are fundamental to perform queries and updates in local 
addition or deletion of individual objects. 
The details of the tessellation method on sphere surface and its 
labelling scheme of QTM can be seen in [Dutton 1999]. In this 
paper, spherical objects will be represented by QTM codes and 
their identifiers to save computer storage and to facilitate 
multi-resolution manipulations. 
3.1 Point Objects 
Digital representation of a point on the sphere is simple: it 
consists of an identifier and a QTM address code. QTM address 
codes consist of digits ‘0°, ‘1°, ‘2’, or ‘3° except the initial one, 
and each digital can be expressed by 2-bit. If 32 digits arc used 
in a QTM code, locational accuracy reaches sub-millimeter and 
such a code can be expressed as one 64-bit word. In conceptual 
data model, address code of a point is not only used to provide a 
multi-resolution operation of large-volume global data, but also 
used to provide a numerical solution of metric problem (by 
transformation between address code and latitude/longitude 
coordinates [Goodchild and Yang 1992, Dutton 1999b]). 
Address codes of points have both hierarchical property and 
location property. Location of point is implicit in address codes, 
not as explicit as in the other systems in which the coordinates 
are records explicitly. 
3.2 Arc-line Objects 
Arc-lines on sphere are represented by an ordered list of 
triangles traversed by the arc and a list of vertices in a point 
format described above, shown as table 1. If the application 
requires frequent manipulations of spatial multi-scale display 
and overlay, it may be efficient to only use QTM address codes. 
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Tab.1 Arc-lines on sphere are represented by an ordered list 
of triangles. 
Arc-line is one of the most important objects in a global spatial 
database (like line in the planar database). For example, 
hydrology, transportation, terrain relief and region boundaries 
are commonly represented by arc-lines. For arc-line data, only 
the vertex points are transferred to corresponding triangle 
address codes in order to saving storage memory. In most cases 
these triangles are discontinuous and may need interpolation (to 
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