Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

Istanbul 2004 
tation and 
urface either in 
rdinate system, 
n Mesh (QTM) 
ed to set up the 
ew hierarchical 
' nodes, one is 
organizing of 
ode' for index 
iewing window 
am based on 
level will be 
y relationships, 
updates in local 
' surface and its 
n 1999]. In this 
QTM codes and 
nd to facilitate 
re is simple: it 
e. QTM address 
t the initial one, 
2 digits are used 
»-millimeter and 
d. In conceptual 
ised to provide a 
al data, but also 
ic problem (by 
)utton  1999b]). 
al property and 
n address codes. 
| the coordinates 
ordered list of 
rtices in a point 
‘the application 
Iti-scale display 
A address codes. 
yy an ordered list 
1 a global spatial 
. For example, 
gion boundaries 
c-line data, only 
ponding triangle 
ry. In most cases, 
| interpolation (10 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
large scales) and generalization (to small scales). A line can be 
interpolated to achieve higher levels of detail or filtered to 
achieve lower levels for display or other manipulations. If two 
consecutive triangles are not neighbours, interpolate their 
longitude/latitudes and transfer them to triangular address until 
consecutive pairs of triangles are neighbours or have the same 
triangular address. If adjacent triangles have the same triangular 
address, remove the duplicated ones. 
3.3 Area (Curve surface) Objects 
Two-dimensional object (curve surface) on the sphere is 
represented by a directional and closed boundary arc-line and 
encoded triangular cells, which are completely within the region 
[shown as Figure 5 and Table 2]. When compared to simple 
boundary arc circular vertex list, this structure makes the 
evaluation of spatial relationships significantly more efficient. 
The solution will often be obtained by simple manipulation of 
QTM address code, instead of the evaluation of boundary 
geometry. The time consumption of calculation is inversely 
proportional to the triangle size. 
Az: ID P; nou Alm 
Arc-Le Pa 02102202317 7 ES 
P K QUO tt "3 t. 
Nj babzzbıattt Din 
Encoded AG bajbzgbza ba, 
triemgles-Mj | e | onm 
N bjbjglys ttt bs 
Tab.2 Area (Curve surface) is represented by a directed 
circular boundary arc-line and an encoded aggregate list of 
triangle cells. 
This representation of a two-dimensional object is a 
combination of the traditional vector representation and those 
schemes based on regular planar tessellations. It is of high 
resolution and precision as vector representation and is efficient 
in relational evaluation as raster. In addition, it does not violate 
the true spherical nature of the data domain. For instance, if /A/ 
is a region, then NOT[A] is an infinite, numerically ill-defined 
region in a planar. By contract, on any spherical surface, NOT/[A4] 
is the simple finite complement. 
4.1 The concept of variable tree structure 
The dynamic manipulation (or updating) of spatial data is based 
on objects, and multi-resolution management of the global 
Spatial data is based on fields instead of objects. To 
accommodate these two requirements, a mixed global data 
Structure -- Variable Tree Data Structure -- is designed by 
connecting the dynamic stability of Voronoi data structure with 
the hierarchy of QTM. In this data structure, the spherical 
surface is tessellated with QTM and spatial objects are 
represented by triangular codes, which have both hierarchical 
and positional properties. 
To operate data dynamically and efficiently, VTDS is 
reconstructed with two types of new nodes which are different 
with the traditional quadtree data structure: 
* One is ‘O-Node’ (i.e. object-node) for a standard QTM 
hierarchical organizing of multi-resolutions data. The 
sub-node of this type consists of “/eaf-node’ and 
‘branch-node’ which is as the same as the traditional 
* Another is ‘/ Node'(i.e. index-node) which expresses an 
index mechanism for retrieving the required data level and 
local objects in a limited viewing window efficiently. The 
sub-node of this type consists of *O-Node' and *I-Node' in 
next level. 
Meanwhile, the Voronoi diagram between objects at a given 
level will be dynamically generated to preserve adjacency 
relationships which are fundamental to perform queries and 
updates in local addition or deletion of individual objects. The 
basic principle of VTDS is illustrated in Figure 1. The 
representation of O Nodes is almost same as that by the 
traditional quadtree, so in this section, only the different types of 
I Nodes and their representations in VTDS will be discussed in 
FE reste 
a ' Q. ac oum CP Index 
: is structure 
Level-0 T, E, 5 Aim 
Lernen ie remet cR T 
: ; i Os 9. Od \ | 
; Lever à AN Wr Branch 
nodes : 
; H e---- j - a un A T M y Cont" X 
: : otn. O13 zs Ponta sets Curve face 
: Level-2 ! i t E 
Dynamic rane í Address 
aintain spatial ( uan MN code E 
MANN SON | \ diagram / - 
> relationships ee 
Fig.1 Basic principle of VaribleTree Data Structure 
4.2 Initial Nodes 
From the tree root, the VTDS starts with as a forest of initial 
three types of / Nodes and one type of O Node according to 
their different locations. They are defined as follows (shown as 
Figure 2): 
* [n-triangle (T): The object is completely within an octant 
triangle (including initial triangles T,-T,, totally 8 
[ Nodes); 
Edge-neighbour (E): The object only covers two 
edge-neighbour octant triangles (including Eo;, E,?, E53, E39; 
Eds, Ese, E67 Eva; Eos, Eis, Ege, E, totally 12); 
Angle-neighbours (A): The object covers two or more 
angle-neighbour octant triangles which have one common 
vertex (including: Ao123, A4567, A0374 Aroası Az267; A2156 
totally 6); 
NO-neighbour (Objects): An object covers two or more 
no-neighbour octant triangles, these are O Nodes and the 
pointers, which point to these objects, are stored in the 
nodes (including: Oo6s O17, O24, O35). 
/ 4| | JA, 
x s woo. Lid 
Og Or... " iT, Ti. Ta! En En 
Fig.2 Categories and representations of initial Nodes 

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