Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
target is rejected from the sequence (see the abnormal position 
and velocity vector in Fig. 9, at the bottom). 
600 T - T. s “4200 
Figure 9: 3D position and velocity vectors of the targets at 
different times 
In order to assess the repeatability of the test under identical 
condition, the trajectories of target 79 (2nd column, middle) in 
four test have been superimposed on the same graph (see Fig. 
10 and 11). 
Confronto dellaposizione in x nel tempo 
1500 - 
| prova del 04-09-03 
1400 1 prova del 09-08-03 
| prova del 28-09-03 
| — prova del 29-09-03 de 
1300 re ee re rs 
= 1000 oA 
= yt 
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 12 14 16 
Figure 10: position of the target 79 at different times 
It can be seen that the agreement is quite good, especially for 
velocities (the differences in the final position are up to 20 cm, 
this depends on a different height of the sand specimen in these 
3000 ---- s : 
prova del 04-07-03 
prova del 09-07-03 
2500 prova del 28-07-03 
prova del 39-07-03 
2000 - 
r3 , 
E 1500: FEN 
= N 
> « 
1000 X 
s. / N 
0 05 + 15 8 259 3 335 4 45 
tempo (s) 
Figure 10: position of the target 79 at different times 
Overall, both cases were solved to a high degree of automation, 
and with accuracy level that, perhaps of not-so-high quality in 
the second case, but still more than enough for the application 
at hand. Using a prediction model to label the target along the 
sequence seems to be a feasible and flexible technique, but its 
reliability with only two cameras and a low frame rate cannot 
be guaranteed and demands additional efforts to control the 
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References from websites 
www.cimne.upc.es, accessed at 1 May 2004. 
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