Istanbul 2004
1e evaluation.
ine-based cali-
lane-based ca-
ox for Matlab'
| latest version
from the cited
ie points were
asta' (Kalispe-
Tables 1-3.
3: ON pixel)
2 Oo
10^) | (pixel)
1.40 | +0.10
1.43 | £0.10
43 | £0.09
.66 | £0.51
.50 | +0.50
49 | £0.50
.35 | £0.99
.23 | +0.99
.23 | £1.00
€: +6, pixel)
K2 Oo
10'Y | (pixel)
.55 | £0.10
.54 | +£0.10
„55 | £0.10
.37 | +0.50
.20 | £0.49
.20 | £0.50
.46 | +0.97
.28 | +0.97
29 | 0.98
€: +oy pixel)
Ko Oo
10!*) | (pixel)
.50 | £0.10
50 | «0.10
50 | £0.10
=50 | #03]
.49 | £0.50
.49 | £0.50
.56 | +£0.99
.5] +0.97
S] 30.98
il, x, and y, as
. The symbols
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004
CS, PB, BA stand, respectively, for calibration sphere, plane-ba-
sed calibration and bundle adjustment. In all cases, the standard
error of the unit weight (G,) is also given.
Generally, it is not quite possible to directly compare different
results for the parameters of camera calibration, as in each case
these are correlated to different quantities. Notwithstanding this
fact, one could claim that the results of the developed algorithm
compare indeed satisfactorily with both plane-based calibration
and self-calibration, i.e. robust approaches resting on object-to-
image correspondences (it is noted, however, that the latter two
methods yield here almost identical results, basically due to ob-
ject planarity and lack of tie points in self-calibration). Besides,
only one set of noisy data has been introduced in each case, a
fact implying that the presented results reflect the effects of the
particular perturbations. Further tests are needed to establish the
extent to which the method being studied is susceptible to noise.
4.2 Real data
For the application with real data, a set of 20 images (640x480)
was used, drawn from the cited web site of Bouguet (Fig. 6).
Calibration parameters were computed with all three methods.
Table 4 presents the results for the parameters, along with their
respective estimated precision; an exception is the aspect ratio,
for which its deviation from unity (1—a) is presented. It must be
noted that the specific plane-based algorithm used here does not
explicitly compute the aspect ratio; besides, is uses a different
model for radial distortion. Hence, these parameters have been
transformed into the framework of the other two approaches.
Table 4. Results for the data of Bouguet (20 images)
c 1-a Xo Yo k; k, Co
(pixel) | (%0) | (pixel) | (pixel) | (x107) | (<10"*) (pixel)
CS 656.34 | —2.8 1302.34 | 242.09 | —6.03 | 7.70
| +0.241:+0.3 | +0.12| +0.23 | £0.03 | +0.25
pg |657.35 302.92| 242.98 5921 685 |+0.13
1034| 99 | 10.56 40.60
BA 657.64 |-0.6 |301.48| 239.79 | -602 | 7.12
À | +0.10|+0.1 | +0.17| 20.15 | £0.02 | £0.15
Here again, it is seen that the results of the studied approach are
essentially comparable to those of the other two methods. How-
ever, certain differences are evident (regarding the aspect ratio,
for instance, or the camera constant); furthermore, the algorithm
faced here a clear difficulty to converge. Actually, this problem
Was attributed to a particular image (seen at the far bottom right
in Fig. 6). This particular view is characterised by a very weak
perspective in one direction. Indeed, its rotation about the verti-
cal Y axis is extremely small ($ — —0.58?). The consequence is
that the vanishing point of the horizontal X direction tends to in-
finity (its x-coordinate is xy, = 1.6x10°). Although the algorithm
proved to be indeed capable of handling even this unfavourable
image geometry, exclusion of this particular image yielded the
better results tabulated in the following Table 5.
Table 5. Results for the data of Bouguet (19 images)
c 1-a Xo Yo ki 4 k; Oo
(pixel) | (969) | (pixel) | (pixel) | (x107) | (x10'°) (pixel)
657.49 | -0.3 |303.43| 241.31 | -6.05 | 7.86
C3 120271204 | +0.13| +023 |+0.03 | +027 |*0-!!
657.29 303.25 | 242.54
VBA 20.34| 971 2056| 2061| ^24 |. 701 [20.12
—| 2 4 m 2
By 1657.59 |-0.4 [302.47 [241.55 | 6.03 | 7.18 | 15 gg
0.10 |+0.1 | £0.17) 50.151 1002 ] 40.17
However, this example confirms that images with one (or both)
of the vanishing points close to infinity might indeed undermine
the adjustment. Having first estimated the initial values, a basic
measure would be to automatically omit any image exhibiting a
vanishing point (or a rotation $ or m) which exceeds (or, respec-
tively, is smaller than) a suitably selected threshold.
Recently, the authors have reported on the photogrammetric ex-
ploitation of single uncalibrated images with one vanishing point
for affine reconstruction (Grammatikopoulos et al., 2002), and
on camera calibration using single images with three vanishing
points (Grammatikopoulos et al., 2003). Here, a camera calibra-
tion algorithm is presented for independent single images with
two vanishing points (in orthogonal directions). A direct geo-
metric treatment has shown that, for such images, the loci of the
projection centres in the image systems are (semi)spheres, each
defined by the respective pair of vanishing points. The equation
of this ‘calibration sphere’ relates explicitly the interior orienta-
tion parameters with the four (inhomogeneous) vanishing point
coordinates. Actually, this is a — surely more familiar to photo-
grammetrists — geometric (Euclidean) interpretation of the pro-
jective geometry approaches adopted in computer vision.
Based on this, the implemented algorithm adjusts simultaneous-
ly all point observations on the two sets of concurring lines on
each view. With 2 3 images, the outcome is estimations for ca-
mera constant, principal point location and radial lens distortion
curve; for > 3 images, image aspect ratio can also be recovered.
The algorithm has been tested with fictitious and real data. Al-
though further experimentation is required, these first results in-
dicate that — in terms of accuracy and precision — the presented
method, which adjusts observations from all available images,
compares very satisfactorily to both plane-based calibration and
photogrammetric bundle adjustment.
This aspect needs to be underlined, since the latter two robust
approaches are bound to space-to-image and/or image-to-image
correspondences. The developed method, on the contrary, pre-
serves all main advantages of a vanishing point based approach.
Thus, there is no need for calibration objects or any prior metric
information (points, lengths, analogies etc.). The mere existence
of space lines in two orthogonal directions — a frequent appear-
ance in a man-made environment — suffices for the calibration
process. Evidently, this also implies that independent images (in
principle, with identical interior orientation) of totally different
3D or planar scenes may well be used.
It is clear that an error analysis is needed to study the effects of
the number of images as well as of the camera rotations relative
to the space system axes (resulting in the position of the vanish-
ing points on the image). The question of vanishing points tend-