Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
ing to infinity must also be handled. Besides, the noise of image 
points has to be further investigated, with extensive tests using 
different noisy data and with real scenes. 
A further future task would be to elaborate the approach into a 
semi-automatic or fully automatic process, by introducing tools 
for automatically detecting vanishing points (see, for instance, 
van den Heuvel, 1998; Rother, 2000). Finally, it is within the 
authors' intentions to extend the geometric model in order to in- 
corporate the full calibration matrix (namely, to include image 
skewness) and, in addition, to accommodate the cases where the 
two vanishing points pertain to space directions which are not 
orthogonal to each other. 
Brüuer-Burchardt, C., Voss, K., 2001. Façade reconstruction of 
destroyed buildings using historical photographs. Proc. 19^ 
CIPA Int. Symp., Potsdam, pp. 543-550. 
Bouguet, J.-Y., 2004. Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab. 
http://www.vision.caltech.edu/bouguetj/calib doc/ 
Caprile, B., Torre, V., 1990. Using vanishing points for camera 
calibration. Int. J. Comp. Vis., 4(2):. 127-140. 
Church, E., Quinn, A.O., 1948. Elements of Photogrammetry. 
Syracuse Univ. Press, Syracuse, N.Y. 
Cipolla, R., Drummond, T., Robertson, D.P., 1999. Camera ca- 
libration from vanishing points in images of architectural sce- 
nes. Proc. 10" BMVC, pp. 382-391. 
Gracie, G., 1968. Analytical photogrammetry applied to single 
terrestrial photograph mensuration. XI ISP Congress, Lausanne. 
Grammatikopoulos, L., Karras, G., Petsa, E., 2002. Geometric 
information from single uncalibrated images of roads. Int. Arch. 
' Phot. Rem. Sens. 34(B5), pp. 21-26. 
Grammatikopoulos, L., Karras, G., Petsa, E., 2003. Camera ca- 
libration approaches using single images of man-made objects. 
Proc. 19? CIPA Int. Symp., Antalya, pp. 328-332. 
Gurdjos, P., Crouzil, A., Payrissat, R., 2002. Another way of 
looking at plane-based calibration: the centre circle constraint. 
Proc. ECCV '02, Springer, pp. 252-266. 
Gurdjos, P., Sturm, P., 2003. Methods and geometry for plane- 
based self-calibration. Proc. CVPR '03, vol. 1, pp. 441-446. 
Hartley, R., Zisserman, A., 2000. Multiple View Geometry in 
Computer Vision. Cambridge Univ. Press. 
Hartley, R., Silpa-Anan, C., 2001. Visual navigation in a plane 
using the conformal point. Proc.10^ Int. Symp. of Robotics Re- 
search, Lorne, Australia. 
Kalisperakis, I., Tzakos, A., 2001. Bundle adjustment with self- 
calibration: program development and tests. Dipl. Thesis, Dept. 
of Surveying, NTUA. 
Karras G., Petsa E., 1999, Metric information from single unca- 
librated images. Proc. 17^ CIPA Int. Symp., Olinda. 
Liebowitz, D., Criminisi, A., Zisserman A., 1999, Creating ar- 
chitectural models from images. Eurographies '99, Computer 
Graphics Forum, 18(3), pp. 39-50. 
Merritt, E. L., 1958. Analytical Photogrammetry. Pitman Publ. 
Co., New York. 
Petsa, E., Karras, G., Aperghis, G., 1993. Zur Fassadenentzer- 
rung aus Amateurbildern niedergerissener Altstadtviertel. Zeit- 
schrift £. Vermessungswesen u. Raumordnung, 58(8):431-436. 
Petsa E., Patias P., 1994. Formulation & assessment of straight- 
line based algorithms for digital photogrammetry. Int. Arch. 
Phot. Rem. Sens., 30(B5), pp. 310-317. 
Rother C., 2000. A new approach for vanishing point detection 
in architectural environments. Proc. 11" BMVC, pp. 382-391. 
Sturm, P., Maybank, S. J., 1999. A method for interactive 3D 
reconstruction of piecewise planar objects from single images. 
Proc. 10" BMVC, pp. 265-274 
van den Heuvel, F.A., 2001. Reconstruction from a single archi- 
tectural image from the Meydenbauer Archives. Proc. CIPA 18" 
Int. Symp., Potsdam, pp. 699-706. 
van den Heuvel F., 1998. Vanishing point detection for archi- 
tectural photogrammetry. Int. Arch. Phot. Rem. Sens., 32(B5), 
pp. 652-659 
Wilczkowiak, M., Boyer, E., Sturm, P. F., 2002. 3D modeling 
using geometric constraints: a parallelepiped- based approach. 
Proc. ECCV '02, Springer, pp. 221-236. 
Zhang Z., 2000. A flexible new technique for camera calibra- 
tion. PAMI, 22(11), pp. 1330-1344. 
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