Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 7: Up is VPS as target visibility model in which bright 
area of each sphere is the visible directions. Down is model of 
fuzzy accessible area for camera positions 
In the second main stage it builds, adjusts and examines a fuzzy 
inference system including 14 fuzzy rules with equal weights, 8 
inputs and 5 outputs implemented by using the fuzzy toolbox of 
MATLAB. The normalized membership functions of input and 
output parameters of FIS are provided using the trial and error 
method in order to placc camera optimally and efficiently. To 
do this, the effect of each input parameter on all output 
parameters is studied through their rules and membership 
functions. The fuzzy operator setting in the FIS is as following: 
'min' for fuzzy AND, 'max' for fuzzy OR, 'min' for implication, 
'sum' for aggregation, and 'centroid' for defuzzification. 
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Figure 8: four states of camera placement optimization by 
proposed FIS 
4.2 System Experiment 
The FIS is utilized to optimally design a camera station around 
a weak point. To optimize our design, it is necessary to define a 
fitness function in the design process (Figure 7) in order 10 
compare states and select the best one with highest fitness 
function valuc. To define an optimization criterion, a fitness 
function F (0<F<1) is computed as relation 1 in which d, p, v, a, 
m, and u are constraints of distribution and number of image 
points, visibility, accessibility, their average, and accuracy 
enhancement factor respectively. All these parameters are 
normalized to the range between zero and one. 
Fe E deal 
wl 4 © 
w is the weight parameter which balances the attention to 
constraint satisfaction versus accuracy enhancement and equal 
with the number of unsatisfied constraints plus one. At first that 
usually any constraint is satisfied, w = 5 so the attention to 
satisfy all constraints is five times more than accuracy 
enhancement. When FIS satisfies constraints one by one, the 
attention is gradually decreased till FIS satisfies all constraints 
e.g. w = 1. It means accuracy enhancement and constraint 
satisfaction has same importance for FIS and if accuracy has 
been enhanced significantly, it is enough to stop the loop and 
consider the last state as the optimal final answer. To find 
weather a constraint has been satisfied, it should be defined a 
satisfaction threshold for each one. Satisfaction threshold is the 
difficulty or importance level of satisfying constraint. In our 
tests, we sct thresholds 0.6, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.6 for d, p, v, and a 
To study the optimization process, Figure 8 illustrates the four 
states of camera placement. Left column shows the progress of 
satisfying the number and distribution of image points into 
camera format border. The visibility constraint that is satisfied 
through above iterations is illustrated in middle column. Right 
column displays the position and situation of designed camera 
station which moves toward existing camera stations to satisfy 
accessibility constraint. 
Based on the assumption that no simulated 3D model of object 
and workspace is available a fuzzy based camera placement 
concept is proposed using vision constraints. Incidence angle, 
visibility and accessibility constraints are introduced in a fuzzy 
inference system due to their high level of uncertainty. The 
developed fuzzy inference system (FIS) automatically designs a 
multi image convergent photogrammetric network based on the 
fuzzy model of vision constraints. The fuzzy rules of our FIS 
control three parameters of distance, direction and rotation. This 
method optimizes the camera station in cases of a high conflict 
among vision constraints and accuracy. Experimental 
investigations are carried out to examine our FIS with a real 
world example. Steps of camera placement by our FIS are 
discussed in the paper and illustrate the FIS process and results. 
The results demonstrate the efficiency and capability of our 
fuzzy inference system in camera placement. 
Met diceret 
The present 
can be furtl 
rotations an 
based on ru 
3 degrees fc 
Atkinson, K 
Machine Vi. 
Cowan, C.K 
Placement f 
on Pattern . 
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