Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

Norbert Pfeifer!, Ben Gorte! and Daniel Winterhalder? 
1: Section of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, TU Delft, Kluyverweg 1, 2629HS, The Netherlands 
2: Institute for Forest Growth, Univ. Freiburg, Germany 
{n.pfeifer,b.g.h.gorte} @]Ir.tudelft.nl, daniel. winterhalder@iww.uni-freiburg.de 
KEY WORDS: Laser scanning, Close Range, Modelling, Forestry, Automation, Measurement, Algorithms 
The investigation of single trees in a forest is of ecological and economical interest. One aim is to capture the geometric 
aspects of a tree: the length and diameter of the trunk and individual branches, the change of the radius along the branch and similar 
measures. These measures can be determined automatically from terrestrial laser scanner data. The conditions for scanning in the 
forest, but also the irregular structure and surface of trees aggravate the reconstruction process. The branches of the trees are locally 
modelled by circular cylinders. With the radius, the axis direction and the axis position the main parameters of interest are captured. 
We describe a set of algorithms for automatically fitting and tracking cylinders along branches and reconstructing the entire tree. 
Especially for coniferous trees the computation of an outer hull, giving the extent in different directions and at different heights is an 
alternative, as the dense foliage coverage renders a distinction between branches and needles impossible. Examples for the different 
reconstructions of trees are presented. 
The world forest area covers roughly one quarter to the total land 
area of the world. Considered this, it is obvious that forests 
play an important role in our lives for ecological and economical 
reasons. Assessing various forest parameters is performed with 
photogrammetric techniques (optical and radar satellite remote 
sensing, aerial photography, and airborne laser scanning), but also 
with (terrestrial) field surveys. In this paper a new measurement 
method is added to the existing ones, offering the possibility for 
objectively determining parameters of single trees. 
The tree parameters considered in this study are of geometric type, 
including the diameter of the trunk and the branches, but also the 
angles between different branches and their location, as well as 
the crown diameter are to be determined. These parameters are of 
interest due to ecological reasons (habitat investigations, studying 
growth reactions to wind and other environmental influences, etc.) 
and economical reasons (timber volume estimation for wood pro- 
duction, detection and quantization of failures during the growth 
process, etc.) and can be described in terms of an ‘as-grown’ anal- 
ysis. Current measurement methods are either based on human 
estimation and experience (e.g. for crown diameters) or performed 
with very simple tools (e.g. tape measurements). Generally, it can 
be said that there is a lack of automation in the current method- 
ology, making it expensive and subjective (i.e. dependent on the 
Airborne laser scanning with its ability to penetrate the tree crown 
cover is investigated and applied in forestry (e.g. (Pyysalo and 
Hyyppä, 2002)) for measuring tree height and crown diameter, or 
forest height respectively, depending on the data density. Satel- 
lite laser scanning, combined with full waveform capturing (e.g. 
NASA's ICESat mission) offers the possibility to measure the 
biomass in forests. Naturally, these methods provide not much 
information on a single tree, but their strength lies in providing 
overview information on logs or complete forests. In aerial imag- 
ing only the upper crown surface can be seen, but automation 
(i.e., detecting and analyzing single trees) is low. With aerial 
imaging only the parameters visible from above (e.g. crown di- 
ameter, health state) can be determined. Ground based imaging 
methods, on the other hand, are not suitable due to the irregular 
structure of the tree surface (considering image matching), which 
would require further manual processing, and due to the often poor 
lighting conditions in the forests. With the advent of terrestrial 
laser scanning an active measurement technology — independent 
of the sun or an additional artificial light source —, capable of 
providing millions of points on highly irregular surfaces is now 
available for measuring inside forests. 
This paper presents a method for automatic reconstruction of 
branches, and therefore trees, from terrestrial laser scanning data. 
Special consideration has to be given to their irregular structure 
and the problems of data recording in forests. In Section 2.1 the 
requirements for the reconstruction are stated and in Section 2.2 
the reconstruction methodology is presented. A collection of 
algorithms for the reconstruction is presented in Section 3. In 
Section 4 examples are presented and discussed. 
2.1 Modelling Requirements and Scanning Environment 
The tree model we want to reconstruct has to provide information 
on 1) the start point and end point of each branch, and ii) the 
radii at these points. This captures in a straightforward manner 
the essential measures of the tree components (i.c. the branches), 
giving sufficient input to the above described tasks in forestry. 
As pointed out in the Introduction, an automated reconstruction 
of the tree model is only suitable with terrestrial laser scanning 
data. Laser scanner data can be acquired in short time (a few 
minutes per scan) and provides a dense point cover on the surface 
with an accuracy of a few centimeters or even better. In Fig. 1 a 
part of one scan (thinned out) is shown. However, point density 
decreases with distance from the device, providing less and less 
points in the higher parts of the tree. Likewise, shadow effects 
from lower branches will generate gaps in the coverage of higher 
branches (cf. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). Additionally, the chances of 
hitting a branch with the laser beam drop with its radius. There- 
fore, the outer branches and the higher branches will be covered 
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