Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 4: Example of laser scanner point cloud of a branch on 
a coniferous tree. Scattering of the points in the top-to-bottom 
direction in the image can partly be caused by the wind, other 
possible sources are the mixing of ranges to targets within one 
laser beam. 
In the following a simple algorithm for the reconstruction of the 
outer hull is described, requiring that the stem axis is known. The 
outer hull is defined as a collection of closed polygons. Each 
polygon describes the hull at a certain height, and the polygons 
are sorted with ascending height. The vertices of such a polygon 
represent the outermost point of the tree in a specific direction 
and height. The height interval (e.g., 20cm) and the number 
of directions (e.g., 12, corresponding to equally spaced angular 
sectors of 30°) are user-specified values. It is chosen based on 
point density and, for coniferous trees, the average distance of 
branches in vertical direction. Each point of the outer hull has 3 
co-ordinates (x,y,z). 
The outer hull is computed by first aggregating the points of the 
given point cloud in the height slices and the angular sectors. If 
the outer hull is to be determined for a plot of trees standing close 
together, points are first assigned to a tree by choosing the one 
where it has the minimum horizontal distance to the axis. Taking 
the outermost point in each sector is not sufficiently robust for 
computing the outer hull, because measurement errors, or points 
from neighboring trees, without reconstructed axis, may fall into 
that sector as well. A simple analysis considering the distances of 
the points to the axis is performed, starting from the points closest 
to the axis. If large gaps (i.e., large distance differences) are 
found between point in the sector, the outer points are discarded 
and considered to be measurement errors or originating from other 
trees. From the accepted points, the one with the largest distance 
to the axis is taken. 
This algorithm provides the outer hull in the form of polygons in 
different heights. 
The set of presented algorithms can be used differently. A fully 
automatic reconstruction of leaf trees can be performed in the 
following way. After removing spurious points in the original 
point cloud the segmentation algorithm in the voxel domain is 
carried out, and for each found segment (i.e., a set of points) 
cylinder following is applied. 
In Fig. 5 the result of the segmentation (45 segments) and the 
reconstruction of an oak tree are shown. The segmentation per- 
formed very well, but it can be seen that some smaller branches 
were grouped to larger segments. The tree was scanned from all 
sides, using 4 scans, summing up to 2.4 million points. Not all 
branches could be reconstructed, but the 36 found branches are 
correct — based on visual comparison to the point cloud. Ap- 
parently some failures in the segmentation process (mentioned 
above), but also the fact, that some branches are only covered 
Figure 5: Automatic estimated branches of a leaf tree. The 
inserted shows the result of the segmentation in voxel space, 
the large image shows the reconstructed branches. 
poorly with points cause these results. In these cases it should — 
at least — be possible to estimate rough start and end points of the 
branch. During the cylinder following all together 90 cylinders 
were determined, with minimum and maximum r.m.s.e. of 1.1cm 
and 3.0cm, respectively. The average fitting accuracy (r.m.s.e.) 
is 1.8cm. 
In Fig. 6 the fully automatic reconstruction of 3 coniferous trees 
with their outer hulls is shown. Left the point clouds are shown (5 
scans, all together 7 million points), each scan is given a different 
color for each tree. Right, the reconstructed stems and the hulls 
are shown. For the stem reconstruction one point was selected 
manually on each ofthe three trees. As the registration was not ac- 
curate enough, leading to distances of the tree axis in higher parts 
of 10cm, each scan was processed individually. After running the 
cylinder following, the branches were aligned automatically and 
a model of linear decreasing radius was fit to the sets of cylinder 
start and end points and radii. This yielded the stems shown in the 
right part of Fig. 6. For computing the outer hulls, the slices were 
given a height of Im, and split up into 16 sectors (22.5? each). 
The hulls are shown as closed polygons around the tree axes. 
These results demonstrate that the method works well, but it can 
also be seen, that the upper part of the stem of the left tree was 
not reconstructed. A lower part of the stem is occluded by lower 
points on the side branches and needles, and the cylinder following 
could not bridge this gap. Tuning the parameters of the cylinder 
following can help here, but this makes the process less automatic. 
Another application (not shown) is to apply cylinder following 
to manually selected point clouds. This can give results in short 
time, too, and a quality check can be performed during the work. 
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