Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
images with the best geometric configuration, and apply our 
hierarchical matching procedure developed in El-Hakim, 1989 
(similar idea is proposed by Ferrari, et al 2003). Corners are 
automatically extracted followed by stereo matching procedure, 
constrained by the epipolar line and disparity-range determined 
automatically from the seed points. Finally, 3-D points on 
regular shapes like columns, arches, doors, and windows are 
created semi-automatically using also selected seed points, as 
described in El-Hakim, 2002. 
Figure 5: Top pair with manually picked seed points, bottom 
pair with automatically matched points on a castle entrance. 
Figure 6: Two adjacent models connected by a portal. 
4,5 Model Assembly 
Combining models created by different data sets, such as the 
two models shown in figure 6, must address several issues so 
that the final model is appropriate for 3-D visualization: 
Relative scale and orientation must be correctly determined. 
Joint primitives, specifically surfaces, edges, and vertices, 
from adjacent models must match perfectly. However, it is 
unlikely that we have the same primitives between the 
adjacent models. For example an arch may have 50 vertices 
in a detailed model but only 8 in a general model. 
Sensor-based techniques produce actual wall surfaces rather 
than perfect planes. In contrast, wall surfaces from floor 
plans are extruded using user provided heights, thus they are 
exactly planes. This can be visually noticeable for adjacent 
surfaces between the two types of model. 
* No gaps, redundant or intersecting edges are acceptable. 
Commercial modeling tools do not deal with these issues, thus 
special techniques and software tools were needed. The models 
can be registered manually in modeling software such as 3ds 
max” using common points between them. The process will be 
unnecessary if the individual models were directly created in 
the same coordinate system using control points. Many models 
however will not have any access to control points and will 
need interactive registration. Once all models are registered, the 
integration procedure begins. The models are organized in a 
hierarchical manner where the top model contains the least 
details (Figure 3). We import points from the detailed model 
along the perimeter of common surfaces into the less-detailed 
model. Then we adjust the latter's mesh with the new added 
points to create a hole into which we insert the detailed model 
without overlaps. Any remaining gap between models is filled 
from the floor plans. Then points from adjacent models on the 
borders of the gap are used to re-triangulate it so that we have 
realistic surfaces rather than perfect planes in the filled gap. 
The above procedure is applied to modeling the Stenico castle, 
which consists of the following components (figure 7): 
* Buildings of mixed styles organized around 4 courtyards. The 
buildings include the 12th-century House of Nicholas and 
Walled House, the 13" century Court of Justice and Council 
Hall, and the 15" century House of Johan Hinderbach. 
Inner and outer tall thick walls with arched gates. 
A Renaissance loggia built by Clesio. 
The clock tower and the Fune or Bozone's tower. 
Ramps and staircases to the multi-level building entrances. 
The 13" century San Martino's chapel with medieval frescos. 
Rooms with Renaissance frescos. 
Aerial View 
Entrance San Martino Chapel 
Figure 7: Sample project images of some castle elements. 
5.1 Data Acquisition 
We used a 5-mega-pixels Olympus“ E-20 digital camera. Figure 
8 shows camera positions from the helicopter over the castle. 
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Figure 8: Actual locations of the used aerial images. 
The same camera was used to take several sets of ground 
images for outside detailed and room models. The imaging, 
both aerial and terrestrial, took a total of 4 hours in two visits to 
the site. Two camera settings were used during the project, one 

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