Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

. Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
of image point measurements (minimum 14 points per image in 
the average) and cach object point was measured in at least 5 
images on average guaranteeing high reliability in the overall 
connection of the images. As an example, the empirical 
accuracy of the  signalised points (comparison of 
photogrammetrically and geodetically determined points) in 
project Celle is summarized in table 2. The accuracy was better 
than 5mm on average, while the maximum value was 16mm. 
Such results are more than sufficient for 3D building 
reconstruction. However, it 1s not assumed that the same results 
could be achieved with poorly-defined object points as would 
be usual for historical buildings. 
Fig. 5: Manual image point measurements supported by 
epipolar lines for improved point finding in PICTRAN D 
After the update of the camera file using the adjusted 
calibration parameters and the exterior orientation parameters, 
the 3D evaluation could be conducted by digitisation (manual 
image point measurement) of all necessary points for the 
reconstruction of the building. For reasons of reliability all 
points were measured in at least three different images, which 
were acquired from different positions to ensure optimal 
intersection geometry. All manual measurements were 
performed in PICTRAN D as points, lines or polygons. The 
superimposition of the epipolar lines in the images after 
measurement of each point (Fig. 5) offers significant support to 
the operator in finding the points quickly and in avoiding point 
mistakes. The 3D point coordinates of each measured point 
were determined by spatial intersection and the standard 
deviation of each point was shown in the user interface for 
online quality control. Similar parts of the buildings, e.g. 
windows, were measured only once in detail, while for all 
varied details the position of this building part was measured 
using only three points for the later fitting in the constructed 
model. Due to the complexity of historical buildings some parts 
of the building, e.g. bent walls or ornate entrance doors (Fig. 6) 
were generalized. 
The digitised 3D points were then transferred for further CAD 
processing to AutoCAD via the DXF interface. As a strategy 
the entire building was divided into certain object parts, which 
were measured in PICTRAN and transferred afterwards to 
AutoCAD for reconstruction. 
5.1 CAD reconstruction of the castles 
The detailed 3D reconstruction of all three castles in their 
entirety was performed stepwise in AutoCAD: ie. each 
building was constructed in the following sequence: ground 
plan, walls, towers, roofs, windows, entrances (doors), and 
finally the assembling of all objects to one complete volume 
model. Additionally, the immediate terrain environs of each 
castle, which were measured by geodetic methods, were 
modelled with AutoCAD Land Development as a digital 
elevation model (DEM). The corresponding DEM was later 
integrated into the entire virtual 3D model of the castle to 
produce a better visualization of the adjacent site. The result of 
the construction is a 3D volume model of each castle. Fig. 7 
shows a wire frame and rendered model of Celle castle. All 
information in the 3D AutoCAD file is structured in layers; i.e. 
the same type of object, e.g. walls, windows, frames or glasses, 
etc., was saved in a special defined layer. The 3D model of 
Ahrensburg consists of 78 different layers, while the CAD file 
of Celle and Gliicksburg consists of 114 and 39 different layers, 
Some perspective scenes from different viewing positions were 
computed in AutoCAD for each castle, in order to check the 
quality of the 3D model by rendering the volume model. The 
DWG file size (AutoCAD 2002) of the 3D models amounted to 
243 Mbyte for Ahrensburg, 260 Mbyte for Celle, and 71 MB 
for Gliicksburg. Using the new software release AutoCAD 
2004, the file size can be significantly reduced by a factor of 
three to five. Nevertheless, this amount of data caused problems 
for the visualization due to the computer performance of a 
typical workstation (two parallel processors of 2.4 GHz, an 
internal 1 GB RAM, and a fast graphic card nVidia Quadro4 
700 XGL), compared to the file sizes. The computation of one 
perspective scene with 3D Studio VIZ took approx. 15 minutes, 
Fig. 6: Measurement, reconstruction and rendering of a window of Celle castle (from left to right), ornate doorway as a photo 
and as a generalized reconstructed doorway (right)

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