Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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D.Aguilera, “ , M. A. Claro-Irisarri *, J. Gomez Lahoz *, J. Finat "^, and M.Gonzalo-Tasis 8 
*E. Politecnica Superior Avila, Univ. of Salamanca, Spain,(daguilera, fotod)@usal.es 
"MoBiVA Group, Lab.2.2, Edificio I-D, Univ. of Valladolid, Spain ,jfinat@agt.uva.es, 
Commission V, WG 2 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Architecture, Simulation, Reconstruction 
Reconstruction from a single view of architectural scenes is possible thanks to the automatic identification of structural perspective 
elements in the view. Reliable and accurate reconstruction depends strongly on a robust estimation of vanishing points. In this paper 
we compare different approaches for estimation of vanishing points, and we justify our choice of Danish estimator. The intersection 
of pairs of pencils of perspective lines through vanishing points generates maps of quadrilaterals in the image which provide 
automatic grouping criteria for interpreting the scene. Quadrilaterals are not enough for an accurate reconstruction. Triplets of 
pencils of perspective lines provide a wire-framed structure of traditional architectonic scenes used for visualization tasks by 
constructing trapezoidal and cuboid maps superimposed to views with a low computational cost. By identifying multiple junctions in 
images we obtain the relative orientation between adjacent planes containing bundles of perspective lines. The introduction of 
multivector representation simplifies the visualization and management of 3D information arising from the lifting of adjacent 
quadrilaterals to 3D cuboids for visualization tasks. 
Increasing needs for the integration of Architectural 
Photogrammetry, Motion Planning, Simulation and Augmented 
Reality Visualization require flexible and friendly interfaces for 
3D reconstruction, which can be easily updated by minimizing 
the human intervention. A robust estimation of vanishing points 
is crucial for an accurate and reliable 3D reconstruction of 
architectural scenes. Vanishing points arise from the 
intersection of a bundle of parallel lines in the scene, which 
become perspective lines in its representation. Thus, vanishing 
points are traditionally estimated from intersections of putative 
perspective lines or by minimizing the distance to projections 
of parallel lines. Both procedures are not robust ones, and errors 
are unacceptable for photogrammetric applications. Then, we 
apply a robust methodology support by the area's triangle 
minimization and robust estimators in order to obtain more 
accurate results. 
Different interesting approaches are developed in [Wil02], 
[Heu98] and [Lut94], which are based on the simultancous 
estimation of the best projection matrix for a parallelepiped, 
parallel and colinearity constraints application and hierarchical 
Hough transform respectively. 
A robust and accurate identification of vanishing points allows 
to superimpose in an automatic way a perspective model on the 
view by taking in account the intersections of bundles of 
coplanar perspective lines. The line through two vanishing 
points is a vanishing line. In the same way, a vanishing plane 
contains 3 non-aligned vanishing points. We shall label as 
perspective pencils, perspective nets and perspective webs to 
the one, two and three-parameter families of bundles of 
perspective lines. Perspective lines (resp. planes) pass through a 
vanishing point (resp. lines). A perspective line (resp. plane) is 
not in general a vanishing line (resp. plane). An automatic 
realistic rendering of perspective planes must be take in account 
their mutual intersections, the information about visibility in the 
scene, and to delete volumetric regions which can occlude 
visible regions of background w.r.t. the chosen cuboids in the 
foreground. Thus, to avoid the manual intervention it is 
necessary to maintain simultaneous information about 
perspective lines and perspective planes, and their incidence 
relations. The incidence information is performed in terms of 
doubly connected lists linked to "oriented projective flags". 
Oriented projective flags are given as pairs of an incidence 
variety {(l;, m;) | I; © m;} and contain the information relative to 
oriented projective lines I; (pencils of perspective lines) and 
projective planes m; (nets of perspective lines). The relative 
orientation of the wired structure superimposed to the image 
arises from identifying the type of double (L and T-type) and 
triple (Y and T-type) junctions linked to the intersections 
between perspective planes, and contents retrieval assigned to 
each junction type. Junctions can be estimated from a Deriche's 
filter or a Harris corner's detector. Advances in automatic 
visualization of 3D information and interactive visual 
navigation require the identification and management of 
cuboids in 3D structures linked to the intersection of pairs of 
pencils of perspective planes through vanishing lines. Both of 
them require to identify structural constraints as collinearity and 
coplanarity, and incidence constraints for automatic grouping of 
perspective lines. Often in photogrammetry, perspective lines in 
architectural scenes are manually drawn to avoid sensitivity 
errors. In our case, vanishing points are estimated by a robust 
methodology. From vanishing points we retrace perspective 
lines through vanishing points in an automatic way, by taking 
in account clouds of mini-segments which are grouped 
following some variant of non-linear regression or RANSAC 
methods [Tor03]. In this way, we obtain bundles of perspective 
lines, by avoiding the lack of robustness of least squares 
methods linked to an automatic grouping of mini-segments, 
which is a specially cumbersome problem in highly textured 
images. There are essentially two approaches to recover and 
visualize a 3D structure: features and  primitive-based 
approaches. In the current work, we have followed a primitive- 
based appr 
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