Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Danish estimator GermanMcClure estimator 
F(oyss Epor | ICTY FR a 
W(v)2 Exp(- | FG) ) wv) = wv) = 1 on 
, (I v^y 
Minimum Sum estimator Huber estimator 
W (i) = d. I para |v|/0< a 
s | V i Wy) = ] 
EL ara Ivl/o »a 
|vi/o A 
Fig. 2: Robust estimators 
2.3.1 Strategy of resolution 
The typical algebraic resolution of the problem relies on the 
condition that the area of the triangle formed by each edge 
points P,(xi, y;); , P2(xo, y3); of the extracted segments and the 
candidate vanishing point Vp(x,y) equals zero (collinearity 
condition). This leads to the minimization of the residuals (V;) 
of the observation equation: 
Thus, the most critical step of the resolution is to invert the 
normal matrix which gives the solution of the Least Squares 
Adjustment equivalent to minimizate areas of triangles. 
The solution corresponds to the minimum eigenvalue of the 
diagonal matrix D corresponding to a SVD decomposition 
A=UDV" of A, being U, V are orthogonal matrices. With more 
details, the SVD consists of two steps: 1) Obtain a bi-diagonal 
matrix by operating with Householder's reflectors, and 2) 
Develop an iterative process by using Given's rotations. As it is 
well known, the exact algebraic resolution is a typical example 
of an ill-conditioned problem due to two issues: a) The 
apparition of a great number of null entries in the matrix A 
which give serious round errors in normal matrix inversion. b) 
Redundant information can generate blunders errors that appear 
irregularly distributed among observations, by making difficult 
their identification. Several strategies based on using some a 
priori knowledge have been developed including more 
advanced variants of RANSAC methods [Tor03]. In this work, 
we have selected a more down-to-earth solution based on the 
robust Danish estimator, which improve results of more 
traditional adjustment based on LSM. To justify our choice, we 
shall compare different estimators. 
2.4 Grouping tools: maps of quadrilaterals and cuboids 
The automatic management of convex quadrilaterals related to 
the intersection of pairs of pencils from perspective lines in 
each view is symbolically performed with quadtrees according 
to the quadrangular segmentation. To avoid an excessive 
fragmentation of intersections of pencils of perspective lines, 
and to lower the high complexity of corresponding quadtrees, 
we use typical tricks of ray-tracing allowing us to identify 
partial occlusions following a typical multilayered model. 
Similarly the management of closed regions in the orthogonal 
3D model of the scene is performed in terms of octrees obtained 
from triplets of pencils of perspective planes through three 
vanishing lines. Exterior or cross-product and contraction in 
Geometric Algebra allow to transfer information between 
simplified 2D and 3D models. A convex quadrilateral is the 
image of a rectangle by a projective transformation in the plane. 
A quadrilateral map of convex quadrilaterals is automatically 
generated from the intersection of pairs of pencils (bundles of 
perspective lines) through two vanishing points Vi, V5. A pair 
of pencils is called a net of lines. To simplify the management 
of 2D projective primitives linked to nets of lines, we introduce 
a symbolic representation. given by quadtrees linked to 
templates of convex quadrilaterals. By using a third vanishing 
point away from the vanishing line, we lift quadrilateral 2D 
nets to cuboid 3D families of lines (called webs) which provide 
an easily adjustable 3D template. The computer management of 
nets is performed by quadtrees supported on planar templates 
given by perspective quadrilaterals. In the same way, the 
computer management of webs of lines is performed by octrees 
supported on volumetric templates given by cuboids. A cuboid 
is the image of a rectangle parallelepiped by an affine 
transformation in 3D space. The quadrilateral map linked to 
changing quadrilaterals is easily updated in an incremental way 
by inserting/deleting quadrilaterals associated to elementary 
events given by segments. The splitting/grouping process of 
quadrilaterals arising from such updating can be described by 
an algorithm with a linear complexity in the number of 
elementary events. Multiple junctions are extracted by means of 
a variant of the Deriche's filter. Types of junctions inform to us 
about typical occlusions, or about convex or concave features. 
The allowed types of multiple junctions are double, triple and 
quadruple (only allowed at vanishing points in our case). 
Typical junctions at architectural scenes correspond to a) two 
incident walls (without additional information about ceiling or 
floor) are L-type double junctions, b) corners of inserted 
elements (doors, windows, etc) on a wall are T-type double 
junctions, . c) corners associated to the perspective 
representation of trihedrals are Y or T-type triple junctions, d) 
vertices of wireframed 3D representations or vanishing points 
linked to 4-tuples of lines are quadruple junctions. The 
automatic identification of collections of junctions along a 
closed polygonal allow us to generate facets, by including 
information about partially occluded regions, due to the relative 
localization of the camera. The comparison between regions in 
different views is reduced to find isomorphism between 
maximal ordered collections of junctions along candidate to be 
homologue polygonals. 
An automatic interpretation of saliencies in the 3D scene is 
performed with corners labelled. To begin with, let us suppose 
that the sweep out has given us segmentation by quadrilaterals 
supported on perspective lines. Each salient or entrant corner is 
characterized by three walls confluent at a typical Y-triple 
corner, ie. a corner where discontinuities arising from 
extending visible segments are alternant with visible segments 
incident at such junction. So, in a typical architectural scene 
each triple junction Y is the common vertex for three 
quadrilaterals. The union of such three quadrilaterals give an 
hexagon H with.8 the triple point inside connected to three 
vertexes of H which are also triple junctions. The hexagon H 
inheritates the natural orientation induced by compatible 
positively oriented quadrilaterals that are incident at the triple 
junction. If central triple junction is a right Y, then the central 
junction is salient. Otherwise, i.e. if central point is an inverted 
Y, then it corresponds to a corner of a concave region w.r.t. the 
observer. Typical hall indoor scenes or piecewise linear 
approach to baroque facades exhibit an alternant behaviour 
between right and inverse Y junctions. The continuous or 
alternant character between triple junctions provides tools to 
connect local and global aspects. So, we obtain easily verifiable 
criteria for an automatic interpretation of the scene w.r.t. the 
observer's viewpoint. Intersections of perspective lines 
determine a structure given by convex quadrilaterals, which are 
automatically superimposed to each image. For each pair of 
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