Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
1 1.084 1 0.08571 0.9855 
2 0.2714 1 0.07246 0.9896 
3 0.07606 1 0.00314 1 
4 0.2352 1 0.01095 0.9998 
5 0.6622 1 0.001638 1 
6 0.3377 1 0.007453 0.9999 
7 0.1313 1 0.004276 1 
8 3:23 1 0.07332 0.9893 
9 1.325 1 0.0622 0.9923 
10 1.501 1 1.867 0.04968 
11 2.028 1 2.147 0.0318 
12 6.61 1 6.425 0.000559 
Fig.6: LSQ vs. German estimator in vanishing points detection 
Lows V W V Ww 
1 1.08 1 0.05816 0.9964 
2 0.2714 1 0.06716 0.9933 
3 0.07606 1 0.0031 1 
4 0.2332 1 0.01083 0.9999 
5 0.6622 1 0.0163 0.9998 
6 0.3377 ] 0.00764 0.9999 
7 0.1513 1 0.00825 0.9999 
8 3,32 1 0.01987 0.9996 
9 1.835 1 0.02339 0.9994 
10 1.501 1 1.877 0.03957 
11 2.028 1 2,149 0.009837 
12 6.61 1 6.425 1.18e-018 
Fig. 7: LSQ vs. Danish estimator in vanishing points detection 
In summary, Minimum Cost estimators (Minimum Sum and 
Huber) distribute blunder errors among the other observations, 
and make more difficult the right estimation of vanishing 
‘points. Contrarily, Danish and German & McClure estimators 
detect perfectly the computation by residuals of vanishing lines, 
discard the erroneous artificially introduced vanishing line, 
reject blunders errors out of adjustment by virtue of low weight 
and keep very small the other residuals. 
We have developed several methods for a robust estimation of 
vanishing points inside the views corresponding to projections 
of indoor and outdoor scenes, and we have compared on a 
specially designed program. From the comparison between 
them, we have obtained robust and accurate results for Danish 
and German operators. 
But, apart from the results obtained by applying Danish and 
German estimators are more accurate than the others in 
performed experiments, in general, the robust methodology 
developed overcomes in power and effectiveness to the 
classical method (LSQ), in blunders detection and vanishing 
point compute. The main reason about the discrepancy between 
estimators is that the oblique images and their structural 
elements present a great weakness, what increase the 
complexity of our algorithms when we face real situations, 
demanding us, to experiment and adapt our robust estimator to 
our particular problem. On the other hand, we are aware that to 
get that the user doesn’t take part in the whole process will be a 
mete difficult to overcome. In this way, an interactive 
behaviour is still needed for the treatment of alternant 
behaviour in buildings. An automatic approach to be developed 
in the next future requires to improve our graphical model, by 
developing a low-cost implementation of algorithms allowing 
us to add variable visibility constraints linked to an automatic 
robust estimation of oriented facets in terms of inserting- 
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