Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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laser scanner- 
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Coordinates of ground control points, as common points for the 
comparison between the two models, were measured with a 
Leica TCR 705 total station, featuring a EDM with two laser 
beams: one, invisible, for conventional measurements to prism 
and a second one, visible, for reflectorless surveys. About 70 
control points were measured with the total station with an 
accuracy of about 5 mm. In order to compare the geo- 
referencing of the laser scanner model using both natural and 
artificial targets, part of the control points (50) were chosen as 
easily recognizable features on the frescoes, whereas further 20 
retro-reflective targets were placed mainly at the bottom of the 
walls of the room to avoid any damage of the frescoes, and 
were surveyed in reflectorless mode (see figure 1). For an 
exhaustive overview of both the Leica total station and the 
Riegl laser scanner specifications see Tables 1 and 2. 
Table 1. Leica Total Station specifications 
Angle measurement 5^1 5 mgon 
Distance 3000m (with reflector); 2mm * 2ppm 
measurement 170m (w/o reflector); 3mm* 2ppm 
«1s (with reflector) 
Measuring time typical 3-6s (w/o reflector) 
Recording 78000 measurements and coordinates 
232 interface for external connection 
Magnification 30 x 
Plummet Laser: located in alidade, turning with the 
instrument. accuracy + 0.8mm at 1.5m 
Table 2. Riegl laser scanner specifications 
Laser Wavelength (in nm) 904 
Laser Power (in W, mW) 1 mw 
FDA Laser Classification (Class) ! 
Beam Diameter at Specified Distance 
(0.Y ft at X ft/Ymm at X m) 
20 mm at 50 m 
Measurement Technique LiDAR 
Average Data Acquisition Rate (pps) 8,000 
Maximum Data Acquisition Rate (pps) 12,000 
Distance Accuracy at Specified Distance 
(0.Y ft at X ft/Ymm at X m) 
Position Accuracy at Specified Distance 
(0.Y ft at X ft/Ymm at X m) 
& mm at 200 m 
& mm at 100 m 
Angular Accuracy (degrees-min-sec) 0.002 
Minimum Range (feet/m) im 
Maximum Range (feet/m) 300m 
Field of View (vertical angle) (degrees-min-sec) 30 
Field of View (horizontal angle) (degrees-min-sec) 360 
Minimum Vertical Scan Increment 
Minimum Horizontal Scan Increment 
The modeling approach adopted at this stage is based on a 
semi-automatic technique described in [El-Hakim et al, 2003] 
and implemented in ShapeCapture commercial software 
[ShapeQuest, 2004]. The bundle adjustment in the software 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
was done with free network, i.e. no control points were used at 
this stage and the model scales were determined from a small 
number of linear measurements (such as window dimensions) 
collected while taking the images. The resulting geometric 
models are shown in figure 2. 
Room Interior 
Figure 2: Wire-frame models by image-based method. 
Achieving high level of photorealism was another goal of the 
project, in order to create extremely realistic visual 
experiences. Due to the nature of this frescoed room, in this 
stage of the project, cffort has been spent to identify the main 
factors affecting the visual quality of the models and the 
performance of interactive visualization and to select the most 
appropriate technology. Basically, the modelling and rendering 
approaches used for this project can be summarized as follows: 
l. Create geometrically accurate model with an image-based 
photogrammetric technique. 
Divide the model into efficient size groups of triangles. 
Select best image for each group. 
Compute texture coordinates of vertices using internal and 
external camera parameters. 

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