Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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IEEE Trans 
H.Otani, H. Aoki, M. Yamada, T.lto, N.Kochi 
Topcon Corporation, 75-1, Hasunuma-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 174-8580, Japan 
(h.otani, h_aoki, m.yamada, t.ito, n.kochi)@topcon.co.jp 
Commission V, WG V/2 
KEY WORDS: Three-dimensional, Digital, Photogrammetry, Multisensor, Aerial, Terrestrial, Scene, Modelling 
With the rapid development of digital technology, we can now obtain easily the image with high resolution capability or the detailed 
3D (Three-dimensional) data of the object by the technique of laser scanner or digital photogrammetry. And as we can now make a 
3D model with real texture from these data by using the CG (Computer Graphics) technology, new business chance is expanding in 
the domain of CG and GIS as regard to city planning, architecture, maintenance, cultural assets. Howev er, to do all this, a lot of 
time and work is required as we have to deal with enormous amount of data. To solve this problem, thercfore, we have now 
developed and added a new function to our PC-based Digital Photogrammetry System which can produce a 3D model from digital 
camera's image. This new function can handle all the photo- image data obtained from high altitude (above 1000m) and low altitude 
(above 100m) aerial as well as the ground photography and can produce a 3D model incorporating simultaneously all these data 
altogether. Furthermore, in order to simplify the operation, we have succeeded to develop a new photo- g guiding system to guide the 
photo-shooting and make simulation on the display in which the object is shown in real time. Here we superimpose on the display 
the data of plan, the data of the position of the control points on the object as seen from the shooting position of camera or the data 
of 3D obtained from aerial photograph so that the computer can guide and simulate the shooting position for the best possible result. 
In this way, even if we change the shooting position, we can always show the CG of such thing as control points at the most desired 
place on the display. In the following presentation, therefore, we are going to demonstrate how we have confirmed the validity of 
our system by making 3D measurement and 3D model out of the digital pictures taken by high altitude airplane, low altitude aircraft 
(e.g. powered paraglider) and the pictures taken on the ground. 
With the rapid development of digital technology, we can now 
obtain easily the image data of high resolution or the detailed 
3D data of the object by using laser scanner or digital photo 
measurement (Kadobayashi et al. 2004). For example, such 
instrument as digital camera and laser scanner used on the 
ground enable us to measure in great detail the object seen from 
the side, but can not provide the measurement seen from above, 
e.g., the roof of the building or the road. So, the camera or 
scanner adapted for airplane or helicopter has been recently 
developed (Murai et al. 2003). With all this development in 
technology, the need for 3D model with real texture of the total 
object is growing especially in GIS as well as in such areas as 
city planning, architecture, maintenance, cultural assets etc. 
And new business is actively growing in this domain. 
However, to create a necessary high quality 3D model a lot of 
time and work is required presently. It is imperative, therefore, 
to produce a new system which can create 3D model in a most 
efficient way. We have already developed PI-3000, the system 
for digital photogrammetry based on PC (Kochi et al. 2003). 
But now in order to integrate aerial and terrestrial 3D 
measurement data and to create its 3D model out of them, we 
have developed a new system which can make 3D measurement 
and modelling by using the images of different resolution 
capability and which can display at the same time the 3D model 
by using CG technology. Thus we can now coordinate the 
measuring data of all images obtained through various cameras 
with different resolution through bundle adjustment. And we 
can also produce a 3D model with texture by DSM data 
obtained through highly efficient stereo-matching and we can 
show it on display from all angles in all sorts of resolution. 
We have also created a Virtual Guiding System (hereafter VGS) 
which combined digital camera, GPS and 3 Axes angle sensor 
in order to produce efficiently a 3D model out of the pictures 
taken from the air and on the ground. VGS is the device to 
guide ourselves visually to the best possible camera position. 
This is made possible by imposing or overlapping the control 
points measured in advance and the 3D model already produced 
on to the camera’s view (displayed image). In this way we can 
make sterco-shooting on the very site of survey while checking 
on the display the control point position as well as missing or 
defective parts of 3D model. At the same time we can also 
check the overlapping of photographs and the accuracy of 
measuring. All this not only simplifies the photo-taking process, 
but also assures the certainty of the works afler taking 
photographs and keeps away possible failure. 
For measuring and modelling more than two stereo images, we 
are using PI-3000, a 3D measuring system based on PC. This is 
a system which can make 3D measuring and modelling 
simultaneously in one integrated operation out of all the images 
including aerial film photographs and the images of digital 
And for guiding to the proper position to take picture on the 
ground, we are using VGS we have recently developed. This 
enables us to measure in details the missing parts or sections of 

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