Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

A. Cöltekin 
PL1200, Helsinki University of Technology 
02015, Espoo-Finland 
Commission V, WG V/2 
Compression, Performance, Virtual Reality, Vision Sciences, Visualization, Foveation, Level of Detail, 
Foveation is a term used in computer vision to refer a technique of image compression. This type of compression takes the principals 
of human vision into account, trying to mimic the way the "fovea" works. *The human visual system implements an elegant 
comprise between the competing goals of maximizing field of view, maximizing spatial resolution, and minimizing neural resources: 
[t encodes a large field of view using a retina with variable spatial resolution, and then when necessary, uses high-speed eye 
movements to direct the highest-resolution region of the retina (the fovea) at specific points in the visual scene." (Perry & Geisler, 
We can consider foveation as a method of level of detail (LOD) management, or under the bigger umbrella of area of interest 
management (AOIM). 
Foveation has been employed both when the compression was needed for the system itself and when the image was to be sent over a 
network where the bandwidth availability has always been a limiting factor. Consequently, foveation is an efficient technique of 
managing photogrammetric visualization, particularly on 1:1 projections or over the network. 
This paper presents an introduction of this important technique to the field of photogrammetry. 
1.1 Motivation 
Close range photogrammetry and computer vision techniques 
have always had overlapping areas of research and 
methodology. This paper discusses one method that is 
commonly used in computer vision and image processing but 
seemingly not at all in photogrammetry, the method is called 
Foveation is, in simplest words, a compression method. It is 
applied in images and videos that are either presented in big 
screens, or transmitted via networks. The first thing that makes 
foveation different than other compression methods is its 
cognitive quality. It takes the human vision into account. 
In the areas where the close range photogrammetry is used, but 
particularly when the results are visualized in virtual reality 
rooms (caves) and panoramic big screens, this method can be an 
effective and suitable way to compress the presented image. 
Motivation of this article comes from the realization that the 
current photogrammetric software do not have the support for 
this method. Therefore it tries to introduce foveation to the field 
of photogrammetry while giving an overview of the literature 
on the topic. 
1.2 Overview 
The developments in the computer hardware have been 
tremendous over last decades. These developments have 
influenced all technical fields, including the 3D graphics and 
Virtual Reality (VR) research. Modeling based on microscopic 
or telescopic images, optical or thermal, active or passive sensor 
data has become possible. At the same time, as visualization 
proved useful and fascinating, this created wide interest. 
Gaming, scientific visualization, education, documentation of 
cultural heritage, architectural walk-troughs, city and terrain 
models for planning, navigational or informational purposes 
have all blended in with the immersive VR experience. 
Even though what is possible today should be viewed with great 
respect, it would be fair to accept that it is far from being fully 
immersive, and the full extent of what is available is not 
available without expensive hardware settings. A more 
moderate version of a Virtual Environment (VE) is available on 
the Internet offering some interactivity, and that comes with a 
set of difficulties. 
The amount of data in such environments is big: constructing 
detailed vector geometry with polygons and triangles alone can 
amount to gigabytes, when rendered graphics and photo- 
textures are added, even more. On top of that, if the “virtual 
world” includes audio and video, model will be yet bigger. 
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