Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
A classical topographic survey was also carried out. 
Calibration of the image 
The image calibration was carried out as the first step. 
The estimation was performed using a bundle approach, 
using a software package made by our research group. 
[n addition, the radial distortion coefficients have been 
Creation of a Solid Image 
When the calibration and orientation parameters of the digital 
image were known, the Solid Image creation was carried out. 
This procedure is completely automatic. 
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Figure 8. The 3D model acquired with a laser scanner 
At the end of the process, it is possible to visualise the Solid 
Image, the D or the A matrices, which are codified in colour 
scale and to evaluate the 3D position of the points in real 
time. To do this, the cursor is simply moved by the operator 
onto the image. 
Figure 9. The distance matrix. The colour scale represents the 
different distances 
Measuring the geometric elements 
It is easy to directly measure distances, angles and mean 
planes on the Solid Image, by selecting some points on the 
image (see fig. 10 and 11). 
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Figure 10. Measuring the distance between two points 
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Figure 1 1. Measuring the mean plane 
3.6 The artificial stereoscopic pair 
Another product that can be obtained from the Solid Image is 
an artificial stereo pair. This is obtained by defining a taking 
base that can be chosen by the operator. 
A software developed by the authors based on the central 
perspective allows the original image to be projected onto 
two new images that form a stereoscopic pair. The interior 
orientation parameters of the two new images are the same as 
the original image while the external orientation parameters 
are slightly varied in order to realise a “normal taking", with 
the base imposed by the operator and the axes of the virtual 
cameras perpendicular to this base and parallel to each other.

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