Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 13. An artificial stereoscopic pair — right image 
Some pixels do not have a radiometric value in the new 
images. This lack of information is duc to prospective 
reasons: if the centre of the projection changes, some areas 
that were previously hidden in the original image could 
become visible in one of the two new images, but no 
information is available on these areas. In this case, the 
"holes" have to be represented as lack of information, for 
example in white, as there is no reason to carry out an 
interpolation process on these areas. 
The Solid Image opens the way to a series of new products in 
the architectonic field and in the surveying of portions of the 
territory. A Solid Image easily allows: 
e  Dctermination, in real time, of the 3D position of 
any point in the image, using a simple PC; 
e. correct 3D measurements (lines, areas, volumes, 
angles, etc.) by only selecting some points of the 
e extraction of profiles, sections, and planes using 
simple drawing functions on the image, even by 
inexperienced users; 
e in general, the high quality colour images to be 
integrated with the 3D geometry of each pixel of 
the photograph. 
A series of new applications of the Solid Image can be 
foreseen for various application fields. 
e P. Boccardo G. Comoglio. New methodologies for 
architectural photogrammetric survey  - 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, Vol. XXXIII, Part. B5/1 
e L. Bornaz, A. Lingua, F. Rinaudo. A new software 
for the automatic registration of 3D digital 
models acquired using laser scanner devices - 
ISPRS Symposium Commission V — Corfu Greece 
September 2002 
e L. Bornaz, A. Lingua, F. Rinaudo. High resolution 
digital image orientation using laser scanner 
data - Proceeding of the CIPA WG6 International 
Workshop on “Scanning for Cultural Heritage 
Recording” (pp. 52-57), Corfü 
e S. Dequal. Un concetto innovativo: Pinmagine 
solida - Bollettino SIFET — III 2003 
e  L. Bornaz, S.Dequal. The solid image: A new 
concept and its applications - ISPRS Commission 
V, WGV/4 - Ancona 01-03 July 2003 
e  L. Bornaz, S.Dequal. A new concept: the solid 
image — CIPA 2003 XIX International Symposium 
— Antalya 30 September 4 October 2003 
The idea of the Solid Image was first presented at the “last 
minute poster" —CIPA Annual Meeting — ISPRS Comm. V — 
Corfu Greece - September 2002 
The first results and applications were presented at the ISPRS 
international meeting com. V — Ancona, Italy 01-03 July, 
2003 and at the CIPA 2003 XIX" Symposium — Antalya, 
Turkey 30 September - 04 October 2003. 
This research is part of the activity financed by the Ministry 
of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and concerns 
the project "Metodologie digitali di rilevamento, GIS e reti 
multimediali per i beni architettonici e ambientali" (Digital 
surveying methods, GIS and multimedia networks for 
monumental, cultural and environmental goods). Person in 
charge of the scientific aspect of a National level: Prof. C. 
Monti — Politecnico di Milano. 
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